RNA-Binding Proteins in K562 and HepG2 | Eclipsebio

Protein binding in K562 and HepG2

Discover transcriptome interactions of over 150 RNA-binding proteins

We have processed the ENCODE data through our own proprietary analysis pipeline to generate reports on peak locations and motif enrichment for each protein in the ENCODE database.

All RNAs in the cell are bound by proteins. This protein can affect key aspects of RNA biology including RNA stability, splicing, and translation. As part of the ENCODE project, eCLIP was used to map the binding profiles of over 150 RNA binding proteins (RBPs) in K562 and HepG2 cells.




K562 and HepG2 cell lines


Map protein binding sites

protein binding

For each RBP we have generated a comprehensive analysis report that includes interactive plots and searchable tables, leading to actionable insights for therapeutic developers and research scientists.

Find enriched gene features

Many RBPs bind to specific regions of genes to regulate activity, such as RBFOX2 which binds to introns to regulate splicing. For each RBP in the ENCODE dataset, we have determined the specific gene features that are bound.

Peak feature enrichment for the RBP RBFOX2

Discover binding motifs

Motifs are short sequences of bases that guide the binding of specific RBPs. Included in each RBP report is a searchable table of identified motifs, including images of the motif itself, how many peaks contain the motif, and the significance of the enrichment.

Motif enrichment for the RBP RBFOX2.

Locate protein binding sites

When RBP-eCLIP libraries are sequenced, binding sites become enriched within the sequenced reads. We provide an interactive table of each of these binding sites including which the gene that is being bound.

Location of binding sites across the genome for the RBP RBFOX2.

Search for your
RBP of interest

Are you interested in performing a RBP-eCLIP experiment in your specific system or with a different protein? Contact us today to start a project with our team of RNA experts.

Contact us today to start a project with our team of RNA experts.

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