
Thanksgiving 2023: thankful for our customers and team

As we come towards the end of the year, we at Eclipsebio are taking time this Thanksgiving holiday to reflect on what we are grateful for. As we have asked our fellow team members what they are thankful for, two topics have come up again and again: our customers who are performing groundbreaking RNA research and the team at Eclipsebio who continuously pushes the envelope on RNA genomics solutions. 

Every year our customers astonish us with how they apply our technologies to get fundamental insights into RNA biology and to develop novel life-saving therapeutics. 2023 was no exception, some of the publications from this year include: Corina Antal et al. used our RBP-eCLIP assay to get a deeper understanding of pancreatic cancer1, Adrienne Samani et al. used miR-eCLIP to identify microRNA targets involved in skeletal muscle disease2, and Matthew Mackeown et al. used eSHAPE to determine the structure of a viral 5’ UTR and its function in translational regulation3. We are also extremely thankful to our industry partners who have told us how data from our assays is invaluable and insightful for their drug development programs. 

We are very grateful to our fellow team members: for those of us who have been with us from the start to our most recent hires. Our team has launched 3 new full-service solutions this year: 

eSHAPE: our optimized SHAPE-MaP assay for RNA structure profiling that can be used to identify accessible regions for therapeutic targeting, such as confirming on target binding and screening for off target binding
eRibo Pro: our optimzied Ribo-Seq assay for ribosome profiling, which can be used to identify therapeutic effects on transcription and translation within the same assay
miR-eCLIP +siRNA: our siRNA profiling service that allows for the direct validation of on-target and identification of off-target siRNA binding 

We are also thankful for our teams’ work to continuously improve procedures that ensure our customers get the best possible service with the fastest turnaround times possible, launching of a new educational initiative with our first global webinar and this blog series, and their involvement in our local San Diego community with volunteer events. 

Here’s to the years ahead of accelerating the development of tomorrow’s key RNA genomics discoveries and medicines. 

The Eclipsebio Team

  1. 1. Antal et al.
  2. 2. Samani et al.
  3. 3. Mackeown et al. Journal of Biological Chemistry 

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