Small Oligonucleotide Solutions | Eclipsebio

Small Oligonucleotide Solutions

By integrating our cutting-edge technologies with our one-of-a-kind bioinformatics workflows, we have developed a unique platform for identifying effective targets for small oligonucleotides while screening for off-target effects. Learn more about our approach to small oligonucleotide design and validation below.

Small Oligonucleotides

The use of small oligonucleotides to regulate RNA levels and splicing has the potential to revolutionize the treatment of previously undruggable diseases. To be effective, oligonucleotides such as siRNAs and anti-miRs need to be designed to target accessible regions of genes. Furthermore, off-target binding frequently occurs which can reduce overall efficacy and produce side effects. We have combined our portfolio of proprietary technologies to characterize targets and provide comprehensive evaluations of off-target activity.

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miRNA mimics


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Find accessible regions to target

To be effective, the oligonucleotide needs to be able to bind to its target. This binding can be limited by RNA structure, competing miRNA activity, and regulatory protein binding. Discover how our solutions provide a multiomic characterization of target genes.

Identify open RNA structures

With our eSHAPE technology we obtain validated data on the RNA secondary structure of a target gene, outperforming predictive algorithms that use the sequence alone. This structure information can be used to select target regions that are accessible and free of protein regulation.

Predicted structures do not include the contribution of cellular factors that can limit therapeutic binding. In contrast, eSHAPE provides direct evaluation of structure in the cellular environment.

Locate competing miRNA activity

With our miR-eCLIP technology, we directly measure where and how miRNAs bind across the transcriptome. This information can be used to identify competing miRNAs for siRNA treatments or to select miRNAs to target for anti-miRs.

Direct detection of miRNA binding in the 3’ UTR of E2F3. Each row is a different miRNA and peaks are where that specific miRNA binds.

therapeutic effects

Many therapeutics have failed once they enter clinical trials due to limited on-target effects or problematic off-target effects. With our solutions, we provide a holistic identification of on-target and off-target activity.

Identify off-target siRNA binding

Our miR-eCLIP technology directly measures both miRNA and siRNA binding, making it a powerful tool for examining where and how off-target activity is occuring. Off-target binding can occur through both seed-based binding and compensatory binding, and our technology distinguishes between these for siRNA optimization.

Validated siRNA off-target binding in the coding sequence of the gene COPRs. The siRNA was designed to target the gene APP.

Transcription and translation off-targets

Off-target effects are not limited to just the transcriptome, the translatome can be affected as well. With our eRibo Pro technology we measure both RNA expression (RNA-Seq) and translation (ribosome profiling), providing a more complete view of how a therapeutic affects cellular activity.

Identification of genes with differential RNA expression following treatment with an siRNA targeting APP. All off-target genes bind with compensatory binding, including the 5’ seed and part of the 3’ region of the siRNA.

What our
partners say

"Eclipsebio was the only company that could perform the robust siRNA off-target binding analysis we needed. Their experimental results provided important additional insights into our own internal findings. We look forward to continuing to work with Eclipsebio in the future."

"The miR-eCLIP technology is a robust and reproducible assay…Eclipsebio provides excellent data analysis support and outstanding technical service."

Slack Lab

Contact us today to learn how our team can help you

Our small oligonucleotide solutions enable the selection of optimal targets, coupled with the direct measurement of off-target binding. Contact us today to learn how our team can help you achieve your small oligonucleotide goals.

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