Measuring Translation and miRNA Binding Webinar | Eclipsebio

Supporting Therapeutic Development with Ribosome Profiling and miRNA Probing

Virtual Webinar

Virtual Webinar

Eclipsebio is honored to be invited to speak at the Boston Computational Society by sponsor biomodal, the webinar will feature Dr. Wayne Doyle.
The effective development of a therapeutic requires the ability to quickly and robustly validate that it is having expected actions on its target. In this webinar, Dr. Wayne Doyle, a senior Bioinformatics Scientist at Eclipsebio, will review two assays and analyses that can assist in the development of RNA therapeutics. eRibo Pro is a ribosome profiling assay for examining both transcription and translation in the same system. Dr. Doyle will discuss Eclipsebio’s analyses for identifying changes in translation, pinpointing stalled ribosomes, and discovering translating open reading frames. miR-eCLIP +siRNA is an eCLIP-based method for directly identifying where miRNAs and siRNAs associate with genes across the transcriptome. Dr. Doyle will review how Eclipsebio determines miRNA binding, calls siRNA off targets, and identifies differential effects from siRNA modifications.
The recording of this webinar can be viewed here.



Learn about profiling siRNA binding and ribosome activity


Dr. Wayne Doyle (Senior Bioinformatics Scientist)


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