This interactive report provides an overview of miR-eCLIP +siRNA results, accessible at the different tabs. For each table and plot, the button can be clicked to get more information. The menus in the top right corner of each plot can be used to modify the plots (zoom, hide samples, and save a copy of the plot). This report is optimized for viewing on a desktop and plots have been tested on several browsers but in some cases they may not render correctly, please use an alternate browser if plots do not load.
If you are interested in performing your own miR-eCLIP +siRNA experiment please contact us.
Experiment Summary
This report summarizes a miR-eCLIP +siRNA experiment performed with a standard siRNA (APP-01-Unmod), a Dharmacon-modified siRNA (APP-05), and an untransfected control. The samples were processed using Eclipsebio's proprietary miR-eCLIP +siRNA technology to identify off target siRNA binding. Full methods details are available upon a request.
Quality Control Metrics
The following table shows important quality control metrics for each sample. Two libraries are made for each sample, one containing immunoprecipitated (IP) RNA and the other containing input RNA. For each sample ("Sample"), two rows are included that list the metrics for each library. The identity of the library is included in the "IP or Input" column.
The following columns describe the processing of the libraries:
- Initial reads: the number of sequenced reads for each library.
- % Pass trim: reads first underwent adapter trimming to remove both adapters and sequences shorter than 18 nucleotides. The percentage of sequenced reads that passed this trimming step is listed in this column.
- % Repetitive elements: trimmed reads are aligned to Eclipsebio's custom database of repetitive elements. This database includes rRNAs, tRNAs, snoRNAs, and other features. The percentage of trimmed reads that were filtered is listed in the column.
- % Uniquely aligned to the genome: the remaining reads from the repetitive element filtering were aligned to the genome, and the percent of those reads that map uniquely to the genome is listed in this column.
- % PCR duplicates: PCR duplicates were defined as uniquely mapped reads that map to the same read coordinates and have an identical unique molecular identifier (UMI). The percentage of mapped reads that were identified as PCR duplicates is included in this column.
- Final nonchimeric reads: this column lists the number of uniquely mapped, deduplicated, nonchimeric reads that were used for this analysis.
- AGO2 clusters: AGO2 clusters are found using the peak calling tool CLIPper. The clusters are identified from nonchimeric reads in the IP samples and are not input normalized.
- AGO2 peaks: A peak is defined as a cluster with a log2(fold enrichment over the matched input) > 3 and p-value < 0.001.
- Final chimeric reads: The number of chimeric reads that mapped to the genome after trimming the miRNA component of the chimeric read.
- % Chimeras: percentage of chimeric reads that mapped to the genome out of the total number of reads that mapped to the genome (chimeric + nonchimeric)
- Chimeric clusters: chimeric clusters are found using the peak calling tool CLIPper. The clusters are identified from genome mappinf component of chimeric reads in the IP samples and are not input normalized.
Sample | IP or Input | Initial reads | % Pass trim | % Repetitive elements | % Uniquely aligned to genome | % PCR duplicates | Final nonchimeric reads | AGO2 clusters | AGO2 peaks | Final chimeric reads | % Chimeras | Chimeric clusters |
APP-01-Unmod_Input_rep1 | Input | 65,519,521 | 98.88% | 56.54% | 64.38% | 13.32% | 15,711,065 | |||||
APP-01-Unmod_Input_rep2 | Input | 58,473,690 | 98.16% | 53.63% | 64.21% | 12.21% | 15,003,949 | |||||
APP-05_Input_rep1 | Input | 66,248,677 | 96.72% | 55.16% | 66.79% | 12.52% | 16,786,399 | |||||
APP-05_Input_rep2 | Input | 69,135,647 | 97.19% | 58.32% | 65.48% | 12.91% | 15,972,357 | |||||
Untransfected_Input_rep1 | Input | 70,911,737 | 96.55% | 56.61% | 62.94% | 12.93% | 16,279,528 | |||||
Untransfected_Input_rep2 | Input | 72,531,030 | 96.54% | 57.53% | 64.22% | 13.69% | 16,484,935 | |||||
APP-05_IP_rep2 | IP | 90,365,901 | 78.50% | 61.24% | 46.68% | 15.03% | 10,904,904 | 324,370 | 7,511 | 169,216 | 1.53% | 2,915 |
APP-01-Unmod_IP_rep1 | IP | 75,065,701 | 75.63% | 53.92% | 47.35% | 14.12% | 10,636,624 | 343,680 | 8,196 | 176,037 | 1.63% | 3,297 |
APP-01-Unmod_IP_rep2 | IP | 95,063,987 | 75.30% | 51.28% | 50.05% | 17.41% | 14,416,246 | 343,680 | 10,556 | 244,433 | 1.67% | 4,228 |
Untransfected_IP_rep1 | IP | 91,929,733 | 74.56% | 58.08% | 46.22% | 13.94% | 11,430,425 | 331,791 | 8,371 | 137,009 | 1.18% | 2,378 |
Untransfected_IP_rep2 | IP | 130,837,039 | 79.88% | 63.68% | 45.51% | 17.89% | 14,185,128 | 331,791 | 7,394 | 259,065 | 1.79% | 4,588 |
APP-05_IP_rep1 | IP | 105,519,575 | 79.85% | 62.32% | 45.31% | 16.77% | 11,972,134 | 324,370 | 6,913 | 184,483 | 1.52% | 3,274 |
This tab summarizes the identified AGO2 peaks from the nonchimeric reads.
AGO2 Peak Counts
AGO2 clusters are found using the peak calling tool CLIPper. The clusters identified in the IP sample are then normalized against a paired input sample. An AGO2 peak is defined as a cluster with log2(fold change) ≥ 3 and p-value ≤ 0.001. The bar plot below shows the number of significantly enriched AGO2 peaks detected in each sample, as well as the number of significantly enriched reproducible AGO2 peaks for each set of replicates. Hover over each bars to see the number of peaks in each set. All plots in this report are interactive, meaning you can zoom in/out, pan to a certain location, and select elements from the legend to remove. Plots can also be downloaded as a separate file. Hover over the top right corner of the plot to see the interactive options.
AGO2 Gene Counts
The bar plot below shows the number of genes containing at least one significantly enriched AGO2 peak per sample, as well as the number of genes containing at least one significantly enriched reproducible AGO2 peak for each set of replicates. Hover over the bars to see the number of genes in each peak set. All plots in this report are interactive, meaning you can zoom in/out, pan to a certain location, and select elements from the legend to remove. Plots can also be downloaded as a separate file. Hover over the top right corner of the plot to see the interactive options.
AGO2 Peak Feature Distribution
The following bar plot depicts the feature distribution of significantly enriched AGO2 peaks in each sample, as well as reproducible AGO2 peaks for each set of replicates. Peaks are annotated according to the following hierarchy: CDS, 5'UTR or 3'UTR, miRNA, intron, and other. Hover over the bars to see the number of peaks and percentage of peaks per feature in each peak set. All plots in this report are interactive, meaning you can zoom in/out, pan to a certain location, and select elements from the legend to remove. Plots can also be downloaded as a separate file. Hover over the top right corner of the plot to see the interactive options.
AGO2 Peak Width Distribution
This boxplot shows the AGO2 peak width distribution of significantly enriched peaks in each sample, as well as reproducible AGO2 peaks for each set of replicates. Hover over the boxplot to see the minimum, lower fence, q1, median, q3, upper fence, and maximum peak widths for each peak set. All plots in this report are interactive, meaning you can zoom in/out, pan to a certain location, and select elements from the legend to remove. Plots can also be downloaded as a separate file. Hover over the top right corner of the plot to see the interactive options.
AGO2 Metagene
The metagene plot shows the average number of AGO2 peaks along the 5'UTR, CDS, and 3'UTR for peaks called in each sample, as well as reproducible AGO2 peaks for each set of samples. In order to create the metagene, peaks were downsampled to match the peak set with the smallest number in order to account for differences in the number of significant peaks. Gene lengths were normalized, and the average number of peaks along each normalized condition was calculated and plotted for each peak set. Hoever over the line to see the average number of peaks at that position. All plots in this report are interactive, meaning you can zoom in/out, pan to a certain location, and select elements from the legend to remove. Plots can also be downloaded as a separate file. Hover over the top right corner of the plot to see the interactive options.
AGO2 Motifs
This plot shows the top five most significant motifs found by HOMER de novo motif analysis, as well as the feature distribution for AGO2 peaks containing each motif. The top portion of the plot shows each motif as a dot, where the percentage of peaks containing that motif is plotted against the -log10(p-value) for that motif. The bottom portion of the plot is a bar plot showing the feature distribution for all peaks (left side) compared to the feature distribution of peaks containing the selected motif (right side). Click on one of the motifs in the scatterplot, and the bar plot will populate with the feature distribution for peaks containing the selected motif. Click off of that point to unselect that motif. The drop down menu in the bottom left corner can be used to navigate between different sets of peaks. For this plot, only motifs called from reproducible peaks are shown (if applicable). All plots in this report are interactive, meaning you can zoom in/out, pan to a certain location, and select elements from the legend to remove. Plots can also be downloaded as a separate file. Hover over the top right corner of the plot to see the interactive options.
AGO2 Gene Enrichment
This wordcloud shows significantly enriched GO terms and KEGG pathways identified using the tool clusterProfiler. This analysis looks for enriched functional types or pathways in the set of genes that contain at least one AGO2 peak. The GO terms are split into the following three categories: Biological Process, Cell Component, and Molecular Function. The drop down menu in the bottom left corner can be used to navigate between different sets of peaks. For this plot, only motifs called from reproducible peaks are shown (if applicable). Plots can also be downloaded as a separate file. Hover over the top right corner of the plot to see the interactive options
This tab summarizes the identified miRNA and siRNA target peaks from the chimeric reads. The table at the top of this section represents all siRNA target peaks, while the rest of the plots capture only off target siRNA peaks as well as miRNA peaks where indicated. The siRNA is labeled as "APP-01_05" in the plots on this tab.
siRNA Target Peak Information Table
siRNA target clusters are found using the peak calling tool CLIPper. These clusters are identified using chimeric reads. To assess reproducibility, we calculate the modified coefficient of variation (MCV) on the logarithm of the normalized intensity of each peak (i.e., chimeric read counts per siRNA). The method compares the observed MCV (oMCV) values against a theoretical distribution representing reproducible peaks. It then estimates a reproducibility index, calculated as the probability of an oMCV value coming from the distribution of reproducible peaks. Clusters mapped to the target gene are colored teal within the table. All other clusters are considered siRNA off targets.
Since the actual distribution of reproducible peaks is unknown, we use the Empirical Bayes approach to first estimate a vector of mean intensities and a matrix of variance-covariances, where the dimension of these vectors and matrices is equal to the number of replicates in the experiment. Then, these parameters are used to generate intensity values for each peak randomly. The MCV is calculated in each random sample (rMCV) and compared against the oMCV. The proportion of times the oMCV is smaller than rMCV is then used to estimate the reproducibility index (a value between zero and one). A higher value indicates a greater probability that the peak is reproducible. A reproducible siRNA target peak is defined as a peak with ≥ 3 chimeric reads on average and reproducibility index ≥ 0.5.
The chimeric peak information table shows the overlap of chimeric reads of each siRNA with peaks called using chimeric reads. Each entry in the table describes the chimeric reads of a single siRNA that overlap with the peak, so a peak may have multiple entries if more than one siRNA is found to target that region. The number of chimeric reads is calculated using the proportion of the chimeric read that overlaps with the peak (for example, if only 50% of the read overlaps, then a count of 0.5 is added for that entry).
Seed match information was annotated for each siRNA target according to seed match definitions from TargetScan, allowing for up to one mismatch in the seed region.
The following seed matches are classified as "Canonical":
- 7mer-m8: An exact match to positions 2-8 of the siRNA (the seed + position 8)
- 7mer-1A: An exact match to positions 2-7 of the siRNA (the seed) followed by an 'A'
- 8mer: An exact match to positions 2-8 of the siRNA (the seed + position 8) followed by an 'A'
- 6mer: An exact match to positions 2-7 of the siRNA (the seed)
The following seed matches are classified as "Noncanonical":
- 6mer offset: An exact match to positions 3-8 of the siRNA
- A 3' compensatory site is one in which strong 3' pairing (consequential siRNA-target complementarity outside the seed region) compensates for an imperfect seed match (Friedman et al., 2009).
- A centered site is one that lacks perfect seed pairing and 3'-compensatory pairing but instead has 11-12 contiguous Watson-Crick pairs to siRNA positions 4-15. These are identified only in the reference species and therefore include no information about conservation.
Chromosome | Start | End | Strand | Gene name | Ensembl ID | Feature | Sample | Average chimeric reads | Reproducibility | Seed match |
chr1 | 9,729,205 | 9,729,317 | - | CLSTN1 | ENSG00000171603.18 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.703 | compensatory region (1 mismatch) |
chr1 | 21,172,327 | 21,172,412 | - | EIF4G3 | ENSG00000075151.20 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 14.000 | 0.941 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr1 | 22,095,724 | 22,095,810 | + | CDC42 | ENSG00000070831.17 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 16.500 | 0.931 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 26,790,604 | 26,790,687 | + | PIGV | ENSG00000060642.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 10.000 | 0.861 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 28,507,458 | 28,507,556 | + | SNORA73A|SNHG3 | ENSG00000242125.3||ENSG00000274266.1 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.584 | No seed match |
chr1 | 31,912,852 | 31,912,927 | - | PTP4A2 | ENSG00000184007.22 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.762 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 35,442,161 | 35,442,233 | - | KIAA0319L | ENSG00000142687.18 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.713 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 40,983,343 | 40,983,402 | + | CTPS1 | ENSG00000171793.16 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.505 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr1 | 42,229,081 | 42,229,160 | - | FOXJ3 | ENSG00000198815.9 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.634 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 43,958,962 | 43,959,031 | + | IPO13 | ENSG00000117408.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 12.000 | 0.901 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 44,776,489 | 44,776,499 | + | SNORD46 | ENSG00000200913.1 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 25.500 | 0.980 | No seed match |
chr1 | 44,776,503 | 44,776,543 | + | SNORD46 | ENSG00000200913.1 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 92.500 | 0.990 | 6mer offset (1 mismatch) |
chr1 | 44,776,543 | 44,776,551 | + | SNORD46 | ENSG00000200913.1 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 15.500 | 0.950 | No seed match |
chr1 | 50,921,058 | 50,921,149 | - | FAF1 | ENSG00000185104.20 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 8.000 | 0.891 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 70,354,192 | 70,354,242 | - | ANKRD13C | ENSG00000118454.13 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.693 | No seed match |
chr1 | 70,354,247 | 70,354,301 | - | ANKRD13C | ENSG00000118454.13 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 26.500 | 0.980 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 70,354,660 | 70,354,710 | - | ANKRD13C | ENSG00000118454.13 | 5' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.703 | No seed match |
chr1 | 71,144,910 | 71,144,968 | + | ZRANB2-AS2 | ENSG00000229956.11 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.703 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 75,787,492 | 75,787,537 | + | RABGGTB | ENSG00000137955.16 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.535 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr1 | 77,801,153 | 77,801,213 | + | MIGA1 | ENSG00000180488.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 8.500 | 0.822 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 86,957,061 | 86,957,128 | + | HS2ST1 | ENSG00000153936.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.762 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 91,010,770 | 91,010,829 | - | ZNF644 | ENSG00000122482.21 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.564 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 91,331,028 | 91,331,095 | - | HFM1 | ENSG00000162669.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.515 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 99,923,925 | 99,924,013 | + | AGL | ENSG00000162688.17 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 19.500 | 0.970 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 108,787,482 | 108,787,557 | + | STXBP3 | ENSG00000116266.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 16.000 | 0.921 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 111,172,436 | 111,172,580 | + | CEPT1 | ENSG00000134255.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.743 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 113,721,438 | 113,721,484 | - | PHTF1 | ENSG00000116793.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.584 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 113,787,825 | 113,787,907 | - | RSBN1 | ENSG00000081019.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.624 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 150,496,326 | 150,496,398 | + | TARS2 | ENSG00000143374.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.584 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 151,400,276 | 151,400,348 | + | PSMB4 | ENSG00000159377.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.525 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chr1 | 168,295,841 | 168,295,907 | + | TBX19 | ENSG00000143178.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.564 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 178,157,015 | 178,157,115 | + | RASAL2 | ENSG00000075391.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 17.000 | 0.970 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 183,025,810 | 183,025,889 | + | LAMC1 | ENSG00000135862.6 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.554 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 184,073,853 | 184,073,931 | + | TSEN15 | ENSG00000198860.13 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.564 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 220,058,635 | 220,058,704 | - | BPNT1 | ENSG00000162813.18 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.653 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 223,813,198 | 223,813,279 | - | TP53BP2 | ENSG00000143514.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.733 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 225,408,211 | 225,408,302 | - | LBR | ENSG00000143815.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.663 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 226,989,920 | 226,989,991 | - | CDC42BPA | ENSG00000143776.18 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.564 | 7mer A1 (1 mismatch) |
chr1 | 227,255,826 | 227,255,893 | - | CDC42BPA | ENSG00000143776.18 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.604 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 229,624,284 | 229,624,350 | - | TAF5L | ENSG00000135801.9 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.624 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 234,606,604 | 234,606,728 | - | IRF2BP2 | ENSG00000168264.10 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 27.500 | 0.970 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 236,143,189 | 236,143,254 | + | GPR137B | ENSG00000077585.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.525 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 236,816,447 | 236,816,526 | + | MTR | ENSG00000116984.14 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 56.500 | 0.990 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 241,309,866 | 241,309,933 | - | RGS7 | ENSG00000182901.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.713 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 243,552,866 | 243,552,918 | - | AKT3 | ENSG00000117020.18 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.762 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr10 | 5,807,565 | 5,807,642 | - | GDI2 | ENSG00000057608.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 10.000 | 0.881 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr10 | 21,654,035 | 21,654,110 | + | MLLT10 | ENSG00000078403.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.743 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr10 | 28,589,423 | 28,589,493 | + | WAC | ENSG00000095787.23 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 27.500 | 0.980 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr10 | 42,812,484 | 42,812,549 | + | BMS1 | ENSG00000165733.8 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.762 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr10 | 51,675,929 | 51,676,020 | + | PRKG1 | ENSG00000185532.20 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 13.000 | 0.950 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr10 | 68,483,597 | 68,483,640 | - | SLC25A16 | ENSG00000122912.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.574 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr10 | 68,699,783 | 68,699,860 | + | AL513534.2 | ENSG00000260400.1 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.723 | 8mer (1 mismatch) |
chr10 | 74,874,262 | 74,874,332 | + | KAT6B | ENSG00000156650.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 18.000 | 0.941 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr10 | 84,518,184 | 84,518,250 | + | CCSER2 | ENSG00000107771.17 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.713 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr10 | 92,555,097 | 92,555,169 | - | IDE | ENSG00000119912.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.535 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr10 | 94,565,769 | 94,565,841 | + | HELLS | ENSG00000119969.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 61.000 | 0.990 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr10 | 100,536,595 | 100,536,668 | + | HIF1AN | ENSG00000166135.14 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 21.000 | 0.980 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr10 | 100,540,631 | 100,540,718 | + | HIF1AN | ENSG00000166135.14 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 51.000 | 0.980 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr10 | 110,728,715 | 110,728,810 | + | RBM20 | ENSG00000203867.8 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.772 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr10 | 110,931,339 | 110,931,426 | + | SHOC2 | ENSG00000108061.12 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 11.000 | 0.931 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chr10 | 113,112,887 | 113,112,981 | + | TCF7L2 | ENSG00000148737.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.673 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr10 | 119,852,301 | 119,852,376 | - | MCMBP | ENSG00000197771.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 8.500 | 0.802 | 8mer (1 mismatch) |
chr10 | 125,098,311 | 125,098,396 | - | CTBP2 | ENSG00000175029.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 13.000 | 0.931 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 931,071 | 931,139 | + | AP2A2 | ENSG00000183020.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 18.000 | 0.960 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 2,394,089 | 2,394,172 | + | CD81 | ENSG00000110651.12 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 27.500 | 0.980 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 2,991,682 | 2,991,763 | - | NAP1L4 | ENSG00000205531.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.703 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 6,497,504 | 6,497,563 | + | DNHD1 | ENSG00000179532.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.525 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr11 | 6,964,053 | 6,964,128 | + | ZNF215 | ENSG00000149054.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 7.500 | 0.752 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 14,296,303 | 14,296,380 | - | RRAS2 | ENSG00000133818.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 9.000 | 0.891 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 16,974,819 | 16,974,881 | - | AC116533.1 | ENSG00000244398.1 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.673 | compensatory region (1 mismatch) |
chr11 | 18,082,067 | 18,082,158 | - | SAAL1 | ENSG00000166788.10 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 18.500 | 0.941 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 18,407,181 | 18,407,364 | + | LDHA | ENSG00000134333.14 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.614 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 43,855,821 | 43,855,891 | - | AC087521.2 | ENSG00000246250.3 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.693 | 7mer A1 (1 mismatch) |
chr11 | 47,778,849 | 47,779,030 | - | NUP160 | ENSG00000030066.13 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.515 | 6mer offset (1 mismatch) |
chr11 | 61,302,639 | 61,302,712 | - | DDB1 | ENSG00000167986.14 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 33.000 | 0.960 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 62,677,971 | 62,678,035 | - | UBXN1 | ENSG00000162191.14 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.505 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 65,502,085 | 65,502,153 | + | MALAT1 | ENSG00000251562.8 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 31.500 | 0.950 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 69,064,752 | 69,064,819 | + | TPCN2 | ENSG00000162341.18 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 10.500 | 0.871 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr11 | 70,436,283 | 70,436,377 | + | CTTN | ENSG00000085733.16 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.574 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr11 | 73,404,460 | 73,404,523 | - | FAM168A | ENSG00000054965.10 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 7.500 | 0.762 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 74,998,163 | 74,998,218 | + | NEU3 | ENSG00000162139.10 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 11.000 | 0.931 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 86,042,503 | 86,042,550 | - | PICALM | ENSG00000073921.18 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 10.000 | 0.921 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 94,963,460 | 94,963,526 | - | CWC15 | ENSG00000150316.12 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.644 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chr11 | 95,804,506 | 95,804,581 | + | CEP57 | ENSG00000166037.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 7.500 | 0.792 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 109,005,666 | 109,005,690 | - | AP003123.1 | ENSG00000255528.1 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.545 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 111,838,247 | 111,838,318 | - | AP001781.2|ALG9 | ENSG00000086848.15||ENSG00000258529.5 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.515 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 117,032,618 | 117,032,706 | - | SIK3 | ENSG00000160584.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 8.000 | 0.792 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr12 | 4,654,417 | 4,654,447 | + | AC005833.1|NDUFA9 | ENSG00000255639.3||ENSG00000139180.11 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.614 | No seed match |
chr12 | 11,002,450 | 11,002,501 | - | PRH1|AC018630.2 | ENSG00000275778.2||ENSG00000231887.7 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.634 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr12 | 12,521,083 | 12,521,154 | - | DUSP16 | ENSG00000111266.9 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.693 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr12 | 20,551,420 | 20,551,466 | + | PDE3A | ENSG00000172572.7 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 9.500 | 0.812 | 6mer offset (1 mismatch) |
chr12 | 49,759,217 | 49,759,280 | + | TMBIM6 | ENSG00000139644.13 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.604 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chr12 | 56,644,787 | 56,644,867 | - | ATP5F1B | ENSG00000110955.9 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 9.000 | 0.911 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr12 | 56,665,005 | 56,665,104 | - | PTGES3 | ENSG00000110958.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 8.000 | 0.772 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr12 | 57,534,538 | 57,534,608 | - | DCTN2 | ENSG00000175203.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.752 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr12 | 76,046,708 | 76,046,799 | - | NAP1L1 | ENSG00000187109.15 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 24.500 | 0.990 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr12 | 101,830,546 | 101,830,626 | - | GNPTAB | ENSG00000111670.16 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.653 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr12 | 121,781,097 | 121,781,148 | + | TMEM120B | ENSG00000188735.13 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.723 | 7mer A1 (1 mismatch) |
chr12 | 131,932,818 | 131,932,870 | + | PUS1 | ENSG00000177192.14 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 7.500 | 0.802 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr13 | 24,912,936 | 24,913,006 | - | CENPJ | ENSG00000151849.15 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.604 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr13 | 28,262,486 | 28,262,563 | + | PAN3 | ENSG00000152520.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.733 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr13 | 37,038,488 | 37,038,521 | - | SUPT20H | ENSG00000102710.20 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.683 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr13 | 39,751,841 | 39,751,922 | + | COG6 | ENSG00000133103.17 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.604 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr13 | 45,982,050 | 45,982,120 | - | ZC3H13 | ENSG00000123200.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 7.500 | 0.752 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr13 | 48,391,244 | 48,391,311 | + | RB1 | ENSG00000139687.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 9.000 | 0.812 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr13 | 50,097,163 | 50,097,230 | + | DLEU1 | ENSG00000176124.15 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 10.500 | 0.861 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr13 | 79,386,480 | 79,386,552 | - | RBM26 | ENSG00000139746.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 13.000 | 0.911 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr13 | 91,350,757 | 91,350,780 | + | hsa-mir-18a | MI0000072 | miRNA | APP-01-Unmod | 21.000 | 0.901 | No seed match |
chr13 | 95,097,016 | 95,097,088 | - | ABCC4 | ENSG00000125257.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.792 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr13 | 95,205,310 | 95,205,332 | - | ABCC4 | ENSG00000125257.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.564 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr13 | 98,518,947 | 98,519,026 | - | STK24 | ENSG00000102572.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.772 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr13 | 113,626,987 | 113,627,066 | + | TFDP1 | ENSG00000198176.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 7.500 | 0.752 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr14 | 30,568,041 | 30,568,134 | + | G2E3 | ENSG00000092140.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 9.500 | 0.762 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr14 | 35,604,878 | 35,604,959 | - | RALGAPA1 | ENSG00000174373.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 29.000 | 0.970 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr14 | 39,160,990 | 39,161,047 | - | TRAPPC6B | ENSG00000182400.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.673 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr14 | 45,133,111 | 45,133,166 | - | FKBP3 | ENSG00000100442.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.515 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chr14 | 58,278,496 | 58,278,546 | - | PSMA3-AS1|ARMH4 | ENSG00000139971.15||ENSG00000257621.8 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.624 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr14 | 64,743,460 | 64,743,520 | + | PLEKHG3 | ENSG00000126822.17 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.673 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr14 | 67,991,991 | 67,992,058 | + | RAD51B | ENSG00000182185.18 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.752 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr14 | 69,769,923 | 69,770,006 | + | SRSF5 | ENSG00000100650.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.604 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr14 | 102,681,766 | 102,681,850 | + | RCOR1 | ENSG00000089902.10 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 13.000 | 0.941 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr14 | 105,010,792 | 105,010,854 | - | CDCA4 | ENSG00000170779.11 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.624 | 8mer (1 mismatch) |
chr15 | 22,853,228 | 22,853,291 | + | NIPA2 | ENSG00000140157.15 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.574 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr15 | 22,875,632 | 22,875,695 | - | CYFIP1 | ENSG00000273749.5 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.594 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr15 | 36,941,385 | 36,941,508 | - | MEIS2 | ENSG00000134138.20 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 12.500 | 0.921 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chr15 | 42,414,447 | 42,414,512 | - | ZNF106 | ENSG00000103994.17 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.822 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr15 | 48,726,529 | 48,726,593 | - | CEP152 | ENSG00000103995.14 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.624 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr15 | 50,628,594 | 50,628,657 | - | TRPM7 | ENSG00000092439.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.624 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr15 | 61,121,340 | 61,121,404 | - | RORA | ENSG00000069667.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.554 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr15 | 71,915,486 | 71,915,554 | - | MYO9A | ENSG00000066933.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.782 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr15 | 84,669,807 | 84,669,869 | - | SEC11A | ENSG00000140612.14 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.723 | compensatory region (1 mismatch) |
chr15 | 85,548,323 | 85,548,402 | + | AKAP13 | ENSG00000170776.22 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.861 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr15 | 92,949,266 | 92,949,360 | + | CHD2 | ENSG00000173575.22 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 81.500 | 0.960 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr15 | 98,723,508 | 98,723,549 | + | IGF1R | ENSG00000140443.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.634 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr15 | 98,743,661 | 98,743,728 | + | IGF1R | ENSG00000140443.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.634 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr15 | 100,289,863 | 100,289,934 | - | ADAMTS17 | ENSG00000140470.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.535 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr16 | 1,359,782 | 1,359,821 | + | GNPTG | ENSG00000090581.10 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.515 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr16 | 9,103,384 | 9,103,481 | + | C16orf72 | ENSG00000182831.12 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 10.000 | 0.881 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr16 | 24,569,310 | 24,569,388 | + | RBBP6 | ENSG00000122257.20 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 11.500 | 0.911 | 7mer A1 (1 mismatch) |
chr16 | 30,429,940 | 30,430,009 | - | DCTPP1 | ENSG00000179958.9 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 8.500 | 0.842 | compensatory region (Perfect match) |
chr16 | 57,440,252 | 57,440,304 | - | CIAPIN1 | ENSG00000005194.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.584 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr16 | 74,909,778 | 74,909,830 | - | WDR59 | ENSG00000103091.15 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.743 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr16 | 78,223,832 | 78,223,919 | + | WWOX | ENSG00000186153.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 23.500 | 0.970 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr16 | 81,326,609 | 81,326,673 | + | GAN | ENSG00000261609.8 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.752 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr17 | 1,897,158 | 1,897,233 | + | RPA1 | ENSG00000132383.12 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.515 | No seed match |
chr17 | 5,435,299 | 5,435,346 | - | C1QBP | ENSG00000108561.8 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.703 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr17 | 5,442,728 | 5,442,775 | - | DHX33 | ENSG00000005100.13 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.525 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr17 | 7,320,755 | 7,320,819 | - | NEURL4 | ENSG00000215041.10 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 8.000 | 0.851 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr17 | 7,402,779 | 7,402,850 | - | TMEM256-PLSCR3 | ENSG00000262481.5 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 10.500 | 0.901 | 7mer A1 (1 mismatch) |
chr17 | 15,663,327 | 15,663,395 | - | TRIM16 | ENSG00000221926.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 8.000 | 0.832 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr17 | 16,024,833 | 16,024,902 | + | TTC19 | ENSG00000011295.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.653 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr17 | 16,441,873 | 16,441,957 | + | SNHG29 | ENSG00000175061.18 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 11.500 | 0.802 | 7mer A1 (1 mismatch) |
chr17 | 28,564,069 | 28,564,108 | - | PIGS | ENSG00000087111.21 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.525 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr17 | 29,551,770 | 29,551,836 | + | TAOK1 | ENSG00000160551.11 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.653 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr17 | 29,573,481 | 29,573,557 | - | GIT1 | ENSG00000108262.16 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 13.500 | 0.960 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr17 | 30,816,903 | 30,816,988 | - | CRLF3 | ENSG00000176390.12 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 15.000 | 0.960 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr17 | 31,852,104 | 31,852,107 | - | COPRS | ENSG00000172301.11 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 14.000 | 0.921 | No seed match |
chr17 | 31,852,107 | 31,852,177 | - | COPRS | ENSG00000172301.11 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 126.500 | 0.980 | compensatory region (Perfect match) |
chr17 | 40,302,825 | 40,302,907 | + | CDC6 | ENSG00000094804.12 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 8.500 | 0.772 | 7mer A1 (1 mismatch) |
chr17 | 41,817,098 | 41,817,172 | + | FKBP10 | ENSG00000141756.19 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.505 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr17 | 41,896,186 | 41,896,258 | - | ACLY | ENSG00000131473.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.762 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr17 | 47,656,779 | 47,656,837 | + | KPNB1 | ENSG00000108424.10 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.535 | 6mer offset (1 mismatch) |
chr17 | 49,051,018 | 49,051,099 | + | IGF2BP1 | ENSG00000159217.10 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.644 | 6mer offset (1 mismatch) |
chr17 | 57,972,291 | 57,972,344 | - | VEZF1 | ENSG00000136451.9 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.723 | 7mer A1 (1 mismatch) |
chr17 | 64,041,492 | 64,041,552 | - | ERN1 | ENSG00000178607.16 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.525 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr17 | 66,107,227 | 66,107,282 | - | CEP112 | ENSG00000154240.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.812 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr17 | 74,772,582 | 74,772,670 | - | NAT9 | ENSG00000109065.12 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.594 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr17 | 75,778,002 | 75,778,075 | - | H3-3B | ENSG00000132475.10 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 24.500 | 0.960 | No seed match |
chr17 | 76,397,948 | 76,398,007 | - | UBE2O | ENSG00000175931.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.535 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr17 | 80,379,796 | 80,379,853 | + | RNF213 | ENSG00000173821.19 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.574 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr17 | 82,892,738 | 82,892,810 | + | TBCD | ENSG00000141556.21 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 9.000 | 0.812 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr18 | 23,540,474 | 23,540,542 | - | NPC1 | ENSG00000141458.13 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.644 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr18 | 32,068,394 | 32,068,487 | + | RNF125 | ENSG00000101695.9 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.644 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr18 | 39,387,882 | 39,387,961 | - | MIR924HG | ENSG00000267374.2 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 9.500 | 0.881 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr18 | 56,722,137 | 56,722,231 | + | WDR7 | ENSG00000091157.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.851 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr18 | 77,084,394 | 77,084,419 | - | MBP | ENSG00000197971.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.564 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chr19 | 2,271,464 | 2,271,528 | + | OAZ1 | ENSG00000104904.12 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 19.000 | 0.980 | 6mer offset (1 mismatch) |
chr19 | 2,835,663 | 2,835,731 | + | ZNF554 | ENSG00000172006.12 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 8.000 | 0.743 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr19 | 10,172,041 | 10,172,134 | - | DNMT1 | ENSG00000130816.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 13.500 | 0.911 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr19 | 12,692,989 | 12,693,051 | - | FBXW9 | ENSG00000132004.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.614 | compensatory region (1 mismatch) |
chr19 | 19,006,229 | 19,006,304 | - | SUGP2 | ENSG00000064607.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.515 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr19 | 22,694,813 | 22,694,852 | - | AC024563.1 | ENSG00000268981.5 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 3229.000 | 0.990 | 6mer offset (1 mismatch) |
chr19 | 22,694,852 | 22,694,860 | - | AC024563.1 | ENSG00000268981.5 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 656.500 | 0.990 | No seed match |
chr19 | 34,384,431 | 34,384,492 | + | GPI | ENSG00000105220.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.545 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 8,982,557 | 8,982,625 | - | MBOAT2 | ENSG00000143797.12 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.693 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 32,736,746 | 32,736,818 | + | TTC27 | ENSG00000018699.13 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 15.000 | 0.921 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 45,684,055 | 45,684,122 | + | PRKCE | ENSG00000171132.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.683 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 63,684,526 | 63,684,577 | - | WDPCP | ENSG00000143951.16 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.782 | No seed match |
chr2 | 64,016,144 | 64,016,205 | - | VPS54 | ENSG00000143952.20 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 20.500 | 0.950 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 65,005,284 | 65,005,348 | - | LINC02245 | ENSG00000237638.2 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.535 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 66,569,362 | 66,569,448 | + | MEIS1 | ENSG00000143995.20 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 7.500 | 0.822 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 77,529,662 | 77,529,787 | - | LRRTM4 | ENSG00000176204.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 7.500 | 0.693 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 85,542,315 | 85,542,417 | + | MAT2A | ENSG00000168906.13 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 132.000 | 0.990 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 96,186,476 | 96,186,551 | - | STARD7 | ENSG00000084090.13 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 27.500 | 0.980 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 96,273,903 | 96,274,010 | + | CIAO1 | ENSG00000144021.3 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.525 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr2 | 96,299,015 | 96,299,109 | - | SNRNP200 | ENSG00000144028.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 12.500 | 0.911 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 99,355,364 | 99,355,430 | + | EIF5B | ENSG00000158417.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 8.500 | 0.851 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 118,089,586 | 118,089,608 | + | INSIG2 | ENSG00000125629.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.644 | No seed match |
chr2 | 134,956,983 | 134,957,045 | + | CCNT2 | ENSG00000082258.13 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 7.500 | 0.713 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 135,534,654 | 135,534,710 | + | R3HDM1 | ENSG00000048991.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 7.500 | 0.644 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr2 | 147,979,011 | 147,979,087 | - | ORC4 | ENSG00000115947.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.554 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 151,420,181 | 151,420,283 | + | RIF1 | ENSG00000080345.18 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 39.000 | 0.990 | 8mer (1 mismatch) |
chr2 | 169,946,318 | 169,946,396 | + | UBR3 | ENSG00000144357.17 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 8.000 | 0.842 | No seed match |
chr2 | 169,947,523 | 169,947,599 | + | UBR3 | ENSG00000144357.17 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 46.500 | 0.990 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 173,366,271 | 173,366,323 | + | CDCA7 | ENSG00000144354.14 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.653 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 174,119,861 | 174,119,979 | - | OLA1 | ENSG00000138430.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.653 | 8mer (1 mismatch) |
chr2 | 175,953,039 | 175,953,101 | - | LNPK | ENSG00000144320.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.624 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 208,288,850 | 208,288,949 | + | PIKFYVE | ENSG00000115020.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 45.000 | 0.990 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 216,506,240 | 216,506,309 | + | RPL37A | ENSG00000197756.10 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.713 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 232,838,035 | 232,838,084 | + | GIGYF2 | ENSG00000204120.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.634 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 233,291,851 | 233,291,896 | + | ATG16L1 | ENSG00000085978.22 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 14.000 | 0.950 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr20 | 2,118,340 | 2,118,367 | + | STK35 | ENSG00000125834.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.594 | compensatory region (Perfect match) |
chr20 | 25,379,052 | 25,379,118 | - | ABHD12 | ENSG00000100997.20 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.515 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr20 | 35,907,752 | 35,907,843 | + | PHF20 | ENSG00000025293.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.673 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr20 | 41,137,667 | 41,137,772 | + | PLCG1 | ENSG00000124181.14 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.743 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr20 | 49,253,734 | 49,253,793 | - | ZNFX1 | ENSG00000124201.15 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.604 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr20 | 62,163,826 | 62,163,884 | + | SS18L1 | ENSG00000184402.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.564 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr20 | 62,387,851 | 62,387,911 | + | RPS21 | ENSG00000171858.18 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.624 | No seed match |
chr20 | 62,388,454 | 62,388,518 | + | RPS21 | ENSG00000171858.18 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 32.000 | 0.980 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr20 | 63,214,463 | 63,214,537 | - | YTHDF1 | ENSG00000149658.18 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.634 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr20 | 63,712,566 | 63,712,603 | + | ZGPAT | ENSG00000197114.12 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.733 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr21 | 15,734,170 | 15,734,245 | + | USP25 | ENSG00000155313.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 19.000 | 0.960 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr21 | 25,891,790 | 25,891,803 | - | APP | ENSG00000142192.21 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 10.000 | 0.931 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr21 | 25,891,803 | 25,891,859 | - | APP | ENSG00000142192.21 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 18.000 | 0.960 | compensatory region (Perfect match) |
chr21 | 32,744,012 | 32,744,066 | - | PAXBP1 | ENSG00000159086.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.604 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr21 | 45,515,055 | 45,515,148 | - | SLC19A1 | ENSG00000173638.19 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 7.500 | 0.861 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr21 | 46,289,883 | 46,290,035 | + | YBEY | ENSG00000182362.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 18.500 | 0.960 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr22 | 17,894,992 | 17,895,012 | - | MICAL3 | ENSG00000243156.9 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.614 | No seed match |
chr22 | 19,463,603 | 19,463,652 | - | UFD1 | ENSG00000070010.19 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.733 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr22 | 20,492,523 | 20,492,603 | - | KLHL22 | ENSG00000099910.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 32.500 | 0.970 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr22 | 23,825,323 | 23,825,392 | + | SMARCB1 | ENSG00000099956.20 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.634 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr22 | 28,366,214 | 28,366,282 | - | TTC28 | ENSG00000100154.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.574 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr22 | 29,837,483 | 29,837,531 | - | ASCC2 | ENSG00000100325.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.663 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chr22 | 39,319,071 | 39,319,102 | - | RPL3 | ENSG00000100316.16 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.743 | No seed match |
chr22 | 40,285,629 | 40,285,696 | + | TNRC6B | ENSG00000100354.21 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.762 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chr22 | 41,621,988 | 41,622,064 | + | XRCC6 | ENSG00000196419.13 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 8.500 | 0.851 | 7mer A1 (1 mismatch) |
chr22 | 44,847,866 | 44,847,941 | + | PRR5-ARHGAP8|ARHGAP8 | ENSG00000241484.9||ENSG00000248405.10 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.574 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr22 | 44,850,703 | 44,850,790 | + | PRR5-ARHGAP8|ARHGAP8 | ENSG00000248405.10||ENSG00000241484.9 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.762 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr22 | 44,986,067 | 44,986,151 | - | PHF21B | ENSG00000056487.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.644 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 13,405,837 | 13,405,961 | - | NUP210 | ENSG00000132182.12 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 10.500 | 0.861 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 23,338,118 | 23,338,209 | + | UBE2E2 | ENSG00000182247.10 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 26.000 | 0.990 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr3 | 37,984,344 | 37,984,435 | + | CTDSPL | ENSG00000144677.15 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.851 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 40,813,832 | 40,813,836 | + | AC099560.1 | ENSG00000231873.2 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.574 | No seed match |
chr3 | 40,813,836 | 40,813,854 | + | AC099560.1 | ENSG00000231873.2 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 11.500 | 0.911 | No seed match |
chr3 | 41,758,132 | 41,758,186 | - | ULK4 | ENSG00000168038.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.594 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 45,394,467 | 45,394,520 | + | LARS2 | ENSG00000011376.12 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 57.000 | 0.980 | No seed match |
chr3 | 45,394,520 | 45,394,565 | + | LARS2 | ENSG00000011376.12 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 63.000 | 0.980 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 47,054,612 | 47,054,687 | - | SETD2 | ENSG00000181555.21 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 9.000 | 0.871 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chr3 | 47,841,961 | 47,842,031 | + | DHX30 | ENSG00000132153.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.673 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 49,683,428 | 49,683,498 | + | APEH | ENSG00000164062.13 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 14.000 | 0.901 | 8mer (1 mismatch) |
chr3 | 61,022,850 | 61,022,909 | - | FHIT | ENSG00000189283.10 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.525 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 61,597,627 | 61,597,708 | + | PTPRG | ENSG00000144724.20 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 8.500 | 0.891 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 72,431,466 | 72,431,541 | - | RYBP | ENSG00000163602.10 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 17.000 | 0.941 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 75,558,932 | 75,558,955 | - | AC133041.1 | ENSG00000272710.2 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.594 | 6mer offset (1 mismatch) |
chr3 | 121,460,435 | 121,460,493 | - | POLQ | ENSG00000051341.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.525 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr3 | 123,492,774 | 123,492,833 | - | HACD2 | ENSG00000206527.10 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.545 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 125,362,858 | 125,362,909 | - | ZNF148 | ENSG00000163848.20 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.594 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 127,630,153 | 127,630,254 | + | PODXL2 | ENSG00000114631.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.515 | 7mer A1 (1 mismatch) |
chr3 | 128,182,912 | 128,182,934 | + | EEFSEC | ENSG00000132394.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.525 | 6mer offset (1 mismatch) |
chr3 | 129,170,511 | 129,170,582 | - | CNBP | ENSG00000169714.17 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.574 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chr3 | 136,401,040 | 136,401,108 | - | STAG1 | ENSG00000118007.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.525 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 149,651,120 | 149,651,160 | - | WWTR1 | ENSG00000018408.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.535 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 154,279,788 | 154,279,855 | - | DHX36 | ENSG00000174953.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 25.500 | 0.980 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr3 | 154,308,441 | 154,308,517 | - | DHX36 | ENSG00000174953.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.733 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 169,349,530 | 169,349,598 | - | MECOM | ENSG00000085276.19 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.574 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 183,920,043 | 183,920,104 | - | ABCC5 | ENSG00000114770.17 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 8.500 | 0.871 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 195,903,802 | 195,903,852 | - | TNK2 | ENSG00000061938.19 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.574 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 196,075,287 | 196,075,368 | - | TFRC | ENSG00000072274.13 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.762 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 196,936,093 | 196,936,180 | - | NCBP2 | ENSG00000114503.11 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.861 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr3 | 197,169,143 | 197,169,215 | - | DLG1 | ENSG00000075711.21 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 8.500 | 0.812 | 8mer (1 mismatch) |
chr4 | 487,291 | 487,356 | - | ZNF721 | ENSG00000182903.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 8.000 | 0.881 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr4 | 7,737,707 | 7,737,730 | + | SORCS2 | ENSG00000184985.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.594 | No seed match |
chr4 | 13,602,081 | 13,602,184 | - | BOD1L1 | ENSG00000038219.13 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 8.500 | 0.851 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr4 | 20,493,695 | 20,493,750 | + | SLIT2 | ENSG00000145147.20 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.515 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr4 | 20,620,207 | 20,620,247 | + | SLIT2 | ENSG00000145147.20 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 55.500 | 0.980 | No seed match |
chr4 | 20,620,247 | 20,620,268 | + | SLIT2 | ENSG00000145147.20 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 22.500 | 0.960 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr4 | 30,721,827 | 30,721,851 | + | PCDH7 | ENSG00000169851.15 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 9.000 | 0.851 | No seed match |
chr4 | 30,721,828 | 30,721,851 | - | AC098595.1 | ENSG00000286596.1 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 8.500 | 0.762 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chr4 | 55,434,068 | 55,434,138 | - | CLOCK | ENSG00000134852.15 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.574 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr4 | 70,768,573 | 70,768,655 | + | RUFY3 | ENSG00000018189.13 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.713 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr4 | 75,644,002 | 75,644,083 | - | G3BP2 | ENSG00000138757.14 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.683 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr4 | 87,341,045 | 87,341,140 | - | HSD17B11 | ENSG00000198189.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 8.000 | 0.762 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr4 | 90,193,864 | 90,193,981 | + | CCSER1 | ENSG00000184305.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 8.000 | 0.861 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chr4 | 102,276,988 | 102,277,040 | - | SLC39A8 | ENSG00000138821.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.713 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr4 | 102,796,087 | 102,796,168 | - | UBE2D3 | ENSG00000109332.20 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 19.500 | 0.960 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr4 | 119,248,031 | 119,248,097 | + | USP53 | ENSG00000145390.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.564 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr4 | 151,297,336 | 151,297,406 | - | SH3D19 | ENSG00000109686.18 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.723 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr4 | 154,535,439 | 154,535,508 | - | PLRG1 | ENSG00000171566.12 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.634 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr4 | 173,333,617 | 173,333,683 | - | HMGB2 | ENSG00000164104.12 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 7.500 | 0.574 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr4 | 186,620,235 | 186,620,328 | - | FAT1 | ENSG00000083857.14 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 13.500 | 0.911 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr5 | 14,442,561 | 14,442,642 | + | TRIO | ENSG00000038382.20 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.743 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr5 | 31,527,871 | 31,527,944 | - | DROSHA | ENSG00000113360.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.644 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr5 | 36,952,883 | 36,952,962 | + | NIPBL | ENSG00000164190.19 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.743 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr5 | 37,198,680 | 37,198,770 | - | CPLANE1 | ENSG00000197603.15 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 57.500 | 0.980 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chr5 | 59,145,309 | 59,145,324 | - | PDE4D | ENSG00000113448.19 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 17.500 | 0.970 | No seed match |
chr5 | 59,145,324 | 59,145,341 | - | PDE4D | ENSG00000113448.19 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 8.000 | 0.812 | No seed match |
chr5 | 62,529,040 | 62,529,107 | + | IPO11 | ENSG00000086200.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.554 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr5 | 78,216,078 | 78,216,175 | - | AP3B1 | ENSG00000132842.14 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 12.500 | 0.941 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr5 | 82,273,725 | 82,273,774 | - | RPS23 | ENSG00000186468.13 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.515 | 7mer A1 (1 mismatch) |
chr5 | 98,855,291 | 98,855,361 | - | CHD1 | ENSG00000153922.11 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 12.500 | 0.931 | 7mer A1 (1 mismatch) |
chr5 | 98,930,078 | 98,930,148 | + | LINC02062 | ENSG00000248489.2 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.743 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr5 | 131,643,457 | 131,643,554 | - | FNIP1 | ENSG00000217128.12 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 12.000 | 0.891 | 6mer offset (1 mismatch) |
chr5 | 137,946,035 | 137,946,101 | - | FAM13B | ENSG00000031003.10 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 18.500 | 0.960 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr5 | 139,305,101 | 139,305,179 | + | MATR3 | ENSG00000015479.20||ENSG00000280987.4 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 8.500 | 0.832 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr5 | 140,551,075 | 140,551,130 | - | SRA1 | ENSG00000213523.10 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.683 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr5 | 151,490,273 | 151,490,315 | + | SLC36A1 | ENSG00000123643.13 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.554 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 2,771,483 | 2,771,548 | + | WRNIP1 | ENSG00000124535.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.782 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 3,340,419 | 3,340,484 | - | SLC22A23 | ENSG00000137266.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.624 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 13,419,335 | 13,419,400 | - | GFOD1 | ENSG00000145990.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.733 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 15,308,259 | 15,308,331 | + | JARID2 | ENSG00000008083.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.723 | compensatory region (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 16,705,056 | 16,705,116 | - | ATXN1 | ENSG00000124788.19 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.545 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 20,493,386 | 20,493,445 | + | E2F3 | ENSG00000112242.15 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.733 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 26,285,412 | 26,285,509 | - | H4C8 | ENSG00000158406.5 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.743 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chr6 | 31,535,862 | 31,535,936 | - | DDX39B | ENSG00000198563.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.832 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 31,829,870 | 31,830,001 | + | HSPA1B | ENSG00000204388.7 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.693 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 34,956,457 | 34,956,516 | + | ANKS1A | ENSG00000064999.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.515 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 42,211,309 | 42,211,386 | - | MRPS10 | ENSG00000048544.6 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 18.500 | 0.931 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 45,192,935 | 45,193,014 | - | SUPT3H | ENSG00000196284.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.812 | 8mer (1 mismatch) |
chr6 | 72,721,971 | 72,722,035 | + | KCNQ5 | ENSG00000185760.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 14.500 | 0.960 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 118,059,325 | 118,059,400 | + | SLC35F1 | ENSG00000196376.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 11.000 | 0.842 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 127,312,561 | 127,312,666 | - | ECHDC1 | ENSG00000093144.19 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 179.000 | 0.990 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 127,312,676 | 127,312,702 | - | ECHDC1 | ENSG00000093144.19 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 9.000 | 0.812 | No seed match |
chr6 | 142,202,707 | 142,202,773 | + | VTA1 | ENSG00000009844.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.713 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 156,809,793 | 156,809,934 | + | ARID1B | ENSG00000049618.24 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 27.000 | 0.990 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 169,703,564 | 169,703,671 | + | C6orf120 | ENSG00000185127.6 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 93.000 | 0.970 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 170,398,847 | 170,398,939 | + | FAM120B | ENSG00000112584.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.634 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 2,188,247 | 2,188,269 | - | MAD1L1 | ENSG00000002822.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 9.000 | 0.812 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chr7 | 7,705,696 | 7,705,755 | + | UMAD1 | ENSG00000219545.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.614 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 22,940,958 | 22,941,037 | - | FAM126A | ENSG00000122591.12 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 9.500 | 0.881 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 27,169,526 | 27,169,547 | - | hsa-mir-196b | MI0001150 | miRNA | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.624 | No seed match |
chr7 | 33,720,493 | 33,720,556 | + | BBS9 | ENSG00000122507.21 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.832 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 35,891,305 | 35,891,395 | + | SEPTIN7 | ENSG00000122545.20 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.683 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 67,173,277 | 67,173,354 | + | TYW1 | ENSG00000198874.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 10.500 | 0.960 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 70,234,067 | 70,234,139 | + | AUTS2 | ENSG00000158321.18 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 11.000 | 0.911 | 7mer A1 (1 mismatch) |
chr7 | 70,450,715 | 70,450,769 | + | AUTS2 | ENSG00000158321.18 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.545 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 76,570,632 | 76,570,687 | + | AC004980.1 | ENSG00000205485.13 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.693 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 87,163,330 | 87,163,453 | + | DMTF1 | ENSG00000135164.19 | 5' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 28.000 | 0.980 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 87,872,497 | 87,872,567 | - | SLC25A40 | ENSG00000075303.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.564 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 93,755,515 | 93,755,561 | + | GNGT1 | ENSG00000127928.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.653 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 99,559,613 | 99,559,701 | + | ZNF655 | ENSG00000197343.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 16.500 | 0.990 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 105,272,098 | 105,272,169 | - | SRPK2 | ENSG00000135250.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 12.500 | 0.950 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 110,800,279 | 110,800,348 | - | IMMP2L | ENSG00000184903.10 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.634 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 129,302,391 | 129,302,467 | + | AHCYL2 | ENSG00000158467.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.752 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 133,024,470 | 133,024,528 | - | CHCHD3 | ENSG00000106554.13 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.584 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 135,560,525 | 135,560,595 | + | NUP205 | ENSG00000155561.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.693 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 139,369,747 | 139,369,823 | + | FMC1-LUC7L2|LUC7L2 | ENSG00000146963.18||ENSG00000269955.2 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.762 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 141,743,570 | 141,743,639 | + | SSBP1 | ENSG00000106028.11 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.762 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr7 | 149,244,965 | 149,245,030 | + | ZNF212 | ENSG00000170260.9 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.604 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 152,148,059 | 152,148,159 | - | KMT2C | ENSG00000055609.19 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 54.000 | 0.990 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 155,301,614 | 155,301,687 | + | INSIG1 | ENSG00000186480.13 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 24.000 | 0.970 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 155,308,877 | 155,308,911 | + | INSIG1 | ENSG00000186480.13 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.792 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 157,388,947 | 157,389,033 | + | DNAJB6 | ENSG00000105993.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 42.000 | 0.980 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 158,632,011 | 158,632,014 | - | NCAPG2 | ENSG00000146918.20 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.663 | No seed match |
chr7 | 158,632,014 | 158,632,036 | - | NCAPG2 | ENSG00000146918.20 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 33.000 | 0.990 | No seed match |
chr8 | 17,567,600 | 17,567,700 | + | SLC7A2 | ENSG00000003989.18 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 22.000 | 0.950 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr8 | 22,244,973 | 22,244,998 | - | hsa-mir-320a | MI0000542 | miRNA | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.663 | No seed match |
chr8 | 31,072,415 | 31,072,491 | + | WRN | ENSG00000165392.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.693 | 7mer A1 (1 mismatch) |
chr8 | 43,174,347 | 43,174,398 | + | HGSNAT | ENSG00000165102.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.500 | 0.822 | No seed match |
chr8 | 43,174,398 | 43,174,466 | + | HGSNAT | ENSG00000165102.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 23.500 | 0.970 | 8mer (1 mismatch) |
chr8 | 47,773,488 | 47,773,542 | - | PRKDC | ENSG00000253729.8 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.505 | 8mer (1 mismatch) |
chr8 | 61,644,219 | 61,644,296 | - | ASPH | ENSG00000198363.18 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.525 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr8 | 94,789,749 | 94,789,790 | + | DPY19L4 | ENSG00000156162.16 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 22.500 | 0.970 | 6mer offset (1 mismatch) |
chr8 | 94,789,790 | 94,789,841 | + | DPY19L4 | ENSG00000156162.16 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 38.500 | 0.990 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr8 | 104,578,907 | 104,578,981 | - | LRP12 | ENSG00000147650.11 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.594 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr8 | 130,394,445 | 130,394,489 | - | ASAP1 | ENSG00000153317.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.525 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr9 | 5,811,186 | 5,811,249 | - | ERMP1 | ENSG00000099219.14 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.554 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr9 | 32,862,444 | 32,862,516 | - | AL157884.3 | ENSG00000236796.1 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 7.500 | 0.851 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr9 | 74,947,534 | 74,947,592 | - | C9orf40 | ENSG00000135045.7 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 3.000 | 0.515 | 6mer offset (1 mismatch) |
chr9 | 78,329,238 | 78,329,306 | + | PSAT1 | ENSG00000135069.14 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.574 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr9 | 92,272,962 | 92,273,021 | - | IARS1 | ENSG00000196305.18 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.723 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr9 | 101,542,132 | 101,542,192 | + | RNF20 | ENSG00000155827.12 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.782 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr9 | 108,928,778 | 108,928,847 | - | ELP1 | ENSG00000070061.16 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.564 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr9 | 111,450,338 | 111,450,408 | - | ECPAS | ENSG00000136813.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.644 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr9 | 120,769,515 | 120,769,556 | - | FBXW2 | ENSG00000119402.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.594 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chr9 | 122,285,914 | 122,285,984 | + | MRRF | ENSG00000148187.18 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.584 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr9 | 124,857,888 | 124,857,965 | - | RPL35 | ENSG00000136942.15 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 75.000 | 0.980 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr9 | 128,969,451 | 128,969,517 | + | NUP188 | ENSG00000095319.14 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 6.000 | 0.703 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr9 | 130,086,435 | 130,086,484 | + | GPR107 | ENSG00000148358.19 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.743 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr9 | 133,778,268 | 133,778,351 | - | VAV2 | ENSG00000160293.17 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.792 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chrM | 671 | 788 | + | MT-RNR1 | ENSG00000211459.2 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.673 | No seed match |
chrM | 1,387 | 1,422 | + | MT-RNR1 | ENSG00000211459.2 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 9.500 | 0.851 | No seed match |
chrM | 2,389 | 2,432 | + | MT-RNR2 | ENSG00000210082.2 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.584 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chrX | 23,984,597 | 23,984,679 | - | KLHL15 | ENSG00000174010.9 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 7.500 | 0.703 | 7mer m8 (1 mismatch) |
chrX | 24,801,090 | 24,801,170 | + | POLA1 | ENSG00000101868.12 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.574 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chrX | 45,747,030 | 45,747,060 | - | hsa-mir-222 | MI0000299 | miRNA | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.594 | No seed match |
chrX | 45,749,310 | 45,749,386 | - | MIR222HG | ENSG00000270069.1 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 29.000 | 0.980 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chrX | 47,176,562 | 47,176,644 | + | RBM10 | ENSG00000182872.16 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 13.000 | 0.871 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chrX | 48,575,546 | 48,575,616 | + | RBM3 | ENSG00000102317.18 | CDS | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.693 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chrX | 73,827,255 | 73,827,311 | - | XIST | ENSG00000229807.12 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 184.000 | 0.990 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chrX | 73,827,311 | 73,827,339 | - | XIST | ENSG00000229807.12 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 48.500 | 0.980 | No seed match |
chrX | 73,850,929 | 73,850,958 | - | XIST | ENSG00000229807.12 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 5.000 | 0.673 | 6mer offset (1 mismatch) |
chrX | 74,220,197 | 74,220,269 | - | FTX | ENSG00000230590.11 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 4.000 | 0.604 | 7mer A1 (Perfect match) |
chrX | 78,118,198 | 78,118,286 | + | PGK1 | ENSG00000102144.15 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 28.000 | 0.970 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chrX | 118,356,099 | 118,356,154 | + | WDR44 | ENSG00000131725.14 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 3.500 | 0.614 | 6mer offset (1 mismatch) |
chrX | 132,074,571 | 132,074,643 | + | STK26 | ENSG00000134602.16 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 5.500 | 0.693 | 7mer A1 (1 mismatch) |
chrX | 134,170,079 | 134,170,108 | - | hsa-mir-18b | MI0001518 | miRNA | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.574 | No seed match |
chrX | 134,500,278 | 134,500,333 | + | HPRT1 | ENSG00000165704.15 | 3' UTR | APP-01-Unmod | 7.000 | 0.782 | 6mer offset (1 mismatch) |
chrX | 140,766,068 | 140,766,138 | + | LINC00632 | ENSG00000203930.12 | Other | APP-01-Unmod | 9.500 | 0.891 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chrX | 154,770,620 | 154,770,684 | + | DKC1 | ENSG00000130826.18 | Intron | APP-01-Unmod | 4.500 | 0.653 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr1 | 75,787,492 | 75,787,534 | + | RABGGTB | ENSG00000137955.16 | CDS | APP-05 | 4.000 | 0.564 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr1 | 234,606,620 | 234,606,678 | - | IRF2BP2 | ENSG00000168264.10 | 3' UTR | APP-05 | 3.500 | 0.505 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr10 | 51,675,949 | 51,676,008 | + | PRKG1 | ENSG00000185532.20 | Intron | APP-05 | 3.500 | 0.594 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr10 | 100,540,651 | 100,540,718 | + | HIF1AN | ENSG00000166135.14 | CDS | APP-05 | 6.000 | 0.723 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr11 | 61,302,645 | 61,302,714 | - | DDB1 | ENSG00000167986.14 | CDS | APP-05 | 8.000 | 0.594 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chr13 | 91,350,754 | 91,350,757 | + | hsa-mir-18a | MI0000072 | miRNA | APP-05 | 7.000 | 0.802 | No seed match |
chr13 | 91,350,758 | 91,350,767 | + | hsa-mir-18a | MI0000072 | miRNA | APP-05 | 16.500 | 0.950 | No seed match |
chr13 | 91,350,769 | 91,350,779 | + | hsa-mir-18a | MI0000072 | miRNA | APP-05 | 16.000 | 0.970 | No seed match |
chr15 | 92,949,266 | 92,949,353 | + | CHD2 | ENSG00000173575.22 | Intron | APP-05 | 12.000 | 0.960 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr16 | 9,103,382 | 9,103,452 | + | C16orf72 | ENSG00000182831.12 | 3' UTR | APP-05 | 3.500 | 0.525 | 6mer (1 mismatch) |
chr19 | 22,694,816 | 22,694,846 | - | AC024563.1 | ENSG00000268981.5 | Other | APP-05 | 66.500 | 0.980 | 6mer offset (1 mismatch) |
chr19 | 22,694,846 | 22,694,861 | - | AC024563.1 | ENSG00000268981.5 | Other | APP-05 | 34.000 | 0.980 | No seed match |
chr2 | 85,542,344 | 85,542,415 | + | MAT2A | ENSG00000168906.13 | CDS | APP-05 | 6.500 | 0.802 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chr2 | 169,947,524 | 169,947,601 | + | UBR3 | ENSG00000144357.17 | CDS | APP-05 | 16.500 | 0.950 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr20 | 62,388,452 | 62,388,513 | + | RPS21 | ENSG00000171858.18 | CDS | APP-05 | 8.500 | 0.842 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr22 | 20,492,524 | 20,492,606 | - | KLHL22 | ENSG00000099910.17 | Intron | APP-05 | 8.500 | 0.802 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr5 | 59,145,309 | 59,145,341 | - | PDE4D | ENSG00000113448.19 | Intron | APP-05 | 9.500 | 0.891 | No seed match |
chr6 | 42,211,316 | 42,211,382 | - | MRPS10 | ENSG00000048544.6 | Intron | APP-05 | 4.500 | 0.604 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 127,312,561 | 127,312,639 | - | ECHDC1 | ENSG00000093144.19 | Intron | APP-05 | 5.500 | 0.693 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr6 | 169,703,575 | 169,703,671 | + | C6orf120 | ENSG00000185127.6 | 3' UTR | APP-05 | 23.500 | 0.970 | 8mer (Perfect match) |
chr7 | 27,169,514 | 27,169,547 | - | hsa-mir-196b | MI0001150 | miRNA | APP-05 | 5.000 | 0.743 | No seed match |
chr7 | 158,632,014 | 158,632,019 | - | NCAPG2 | ENSG00000146918.20 | Intron | APP-05 | 3.500 | 0.564 | No seed match |
chr7 | 158,632,019 | 158,632,036 | - | NCAPG2 | ENSG00000146918.20 | Intron | APP-05 | 8.000 | 0.842 | No seed match |
chr8 | 22,244,974 | 22,244,999 | - | hsa-mir-320a | MI0000542 | miRNA | APP-05 | 4.500 | 0.752 | No seed match |
chr8 | 94,789,776 | 94,789,843 | + | DPY19L4 | ENSG00000156162.16 | CDS | APP-05 | 6.000 | 0.752 | 7mer m8 (Perfect match) |
chr9 | 124,857,885 | 124,857,983 | - | RPL35 | ENSG00000136942.15 | CDS | APP-05 | 7.000 | 0.792 | 6mer offset (Perfect match) |
chrM | 1,395 | 1,420 | + | MT-RNR1 | ENSG00000211459.2 | Other | APP-05 | 4.500 | 0.683 | No seed match |
chrX | 73,827,258 | 73,827,326 | - | XIST | ENSG00000229807.12 | Other | APP-05 | 23.500 | 0.970 | 6mer (Perfect match) |
chrX | 134,170,081 | 134,170,109 | - | hsa-mir-18b | MI0001518 | miRNA | APP-05 | 6.500 | 0.703 | No seed match |
siRNA & miRNA Target Counts
The bar plot below shows the number of peaks detected in each sample, as well as the number of reproducible peaks for each set of replicates. The bars are colored according to whether the peak is a miRNA target or an siRNA off target. siRNA on target peaks are not counted in this plot. Hover over each bars to see the number of peaks in each set. All plots in this report are interactive, meaning you can zoom in/out, pan to a certain location, and select elements from the legend to remove. Plots can also be downloaded as a separate file. Hover over the top right corner of the plot to see the interactive options.
siRNA Off Target Feature Distribution
The following bar plot depicts the feature distribution of siRNA off target peaks in each sample, as well as reproducible siRNA off target peaks for each set of replicates. Peaks are annotated according to the following hierarchy: CDS, 5'UTR or 3'UTR, miRNA, intron, and other. Hover over the bars to see the number of peaks and percentage of peaks per feature in each peak set. All plots in this report are interactive, meaning you can zoom in/out, pan to a certain location, and select elements from the legend to remove. Plots can also be downloaded as a separate file. Hover over the top right corner of the plot to see the interactive options.
siRNA Off Target Seed Match Distribution
The bar plot below shows the seed match distribution of siRNA off target peaks and reproducible siRNA off target peaks for each set of sample conditions. Seed match information was added to each peak according to seed match definitions from TargetScan, allowing for up to one mismatch in the seed region.
The following seed matches are classified as "Canonical":
- 7mer-m8: An exact match to positions 2-8 of the mature miRNA (the seed + position 8)
- 7mer-1A: An exact match to positions 2-7 of the mature miRNA (the seed) followed by an 'A'
- 8mer: An exact match to positions 2-8 of the mature miRNA (the seed + position 8) followed by an 'A'
- 6mer: An exact match to positions 2-7 of the mature miRNA (the seed)
The following seed matches are classified as "Noncanonical":
- 6mer offset: An exact match to positions 3-8 of the mature miRNA
- A 3' compensatory site is one in which strong 3' pairing (consequential miRNA-target complementarity outside the seed region) compensates for an imperfect seed match (Friedman et al., 2009).
- A centered site is one that lacks perfect seed pairing and 3'-compensatory pairing but instead has 11-12 contiguous Watson-Crick pairs to miRNA positions 4-15. These are identified only in the reference species and therefore include no information about conservation.
Hover over each bar to see the number of peaks and % of peaks containing each type of seed match for each peak set. All plots in this report are interactive, meaning you can zoom in/out, pan to a certain location, and select elements from the legend to remove. Plots can also be downloaded as a separate file. Hover over the top right corner of the plot to see the interactive options.
Top siRNAs & miRNAs in Chimeric Reads
This plot shows the top 5 most abundant siRNAs or miRNAs in chimeric reads in each sample. All other siRNAs or miRNAs are summed to create the "Other" category. Hover over the bar to see the percentage of chimeric reads containing the siRNA or miRNA in each sample. All plots in this report are interactive, meaning you can zoom in/out, pan to a certain location, and select elements from the legend to remove. Plots can also be downloaded as a separate file. Hover over the top right corner of the plot to see the interactive options.
siRNA & miRNA Abundance in Chimeric Reads
The following plot shows the percentage of chimeric reads containing each siRNA or miRNA. Each siRNA or miRNA is depicted as one point for each sample. siRNA points are colored in red, and miRNA points are colored in teal. Hover over a point to see which siRNA or miRNA it corresponds to, and what percentage of chimeric reads contain that siRNA or miRNA. All plots in this report are interactive, meaning you can zoom in/out, pan to a certain location, and select elements from the legend to remove. Plots can also be downloaded as a separate file. Hover over the top right corner of the plot to see the interactive options.
siRNA & miRNA Target Gene Counts
The bar plot below shows the number of genes containing at least one siRNA or miRNA target peak per sample, as well as the number of genes containing at least one siRNA or miRNA target peak for each set of replicates. The bars are colored according to whether the gene is a miRNA target or an siRNA off target. Hover over the bars to see the number of genes in each peak set. All plots in this report are interactive, meaning you can zoom in/out, pan to a certain location, and select elements from the legend to remove. Plots can also be downloaded as a separate file. Hover over the top right corner of the plot to see the interactive options.
siRNA Off Target Gene Enrichment
This wordcloud shows significantly enriched GO terms and KEGG pathways identified using the tool clusterProfiler. This analysis looks for enriched functional types or pathways in the set of genes that contain at least one siRNA off target peak. The GO terms are split into the following three categories: Biological Process, Cell Component, and Molecular Function. The drop down menu in the bottom left corner can be used to navigate between different sets of peaks. For this plot, only motifs called from reproducible peaks are shown (if applicable). Plots can also be downloaded as a separate file. Hover over the top right corner of the plot to see the interactive options.
This tab summarizes differential siRNA (APP-01_05) and miRNA targets identified from miR-eCLIP +siRNA data.
We used DESeq2 to confidently identify statistically significant differences between sample groups. With DESeq2, we first normalize the raw counts by genomic peak across all our libraries, using relative log expression (REL). This helps us account for differences in sequencing depth and other factors that could affect our results. Next, we use information from all the peaks to accurately estimate the variability (dispersion) between samples for each peak in a way that considers the logarithmic nature of miR-eCLIP +siRNA data. This step is essential because it helps us identify the most reliable differences between groups. Finally, we use the dispersions to divide the log2 fold changes between conditions and calculate a statistical test called the "Wald" test. This test helps us determine whether our observed differences are likely real or just due to chance. We also obtain p-values from this test for each peak and adjust them for multiple comparisons using the FDR procedure.
For each differential analysis performed, a table and volcano plot is provided below. The table lists the coordinates of each chimeric peak, and which gene and siRNA or miRNA is associated with the peak. The average columns list the average, normalized chimeric read counts in each sample group. The associated fold change and -log10-transformed significance is shown as well. The volcano plot shows the fold change versus the significance, with genes colored by which sample group they are enriched in.
APP-05 vs. APP-01-Unmod Sample Comparisons Volcano Plot
APP-05 vs. APP-01-Unmod Sample Comparisons Table
Chromosome | Start | End | Strand | Gene name | Ensembl ID | Feature | siRNA / miRNA | Average APP-05 | Average APP-01-Unmod | Log2 Fold Change | -log10(p-value) |
chrM | 8438 | 8500 | + | MT-ATP8 | ENSG00000228253.1 | CDS | hsa-miR-196b-5p | 5.23 | 0.07 | 1.98 | 1.15 |
chr2 | 70150128 | 70150205 | - | C2orf42 | ENSG00000115998.7 | 3' UTR | hsa-miR-16-5p | 5.79 | 0.3 | 1.97 | 1.15 |
chrX | 124078100 | 124078187 | + | STAG2 | ENSG00000101972.19 | Intron | hsa-miR-92a-3p | 8.7 | 1.43 | 1.9 | 1.37 |
chr19 | 6419207 | 6419266 | - | KHSRP | ENSG00000088247.17 | CDS | hsa-miR-423-3p | 6.41 | 0.5 | 1.86 | 1.16 |
chr2 | 84441275 | 84441385 | - | SUCLG1 | ENSG00000163541.12 | CDS | hsa-miR-218-5p | 6.31 | 0.5 | 1.86 | 1.16 |
chr4 | 75655175 | 75655225 | - | G3BP2 | ENSG00000138757.14 | CDS | hsa-miR-24-3p | 4.56 | 0.0 | 1.86 | 1.04 |
chr12 | 69258905 | 69258981 | + | CPSF6 | ENSG00000111605.18 | CDS | hsa-miR-320a-3p | 14.29 | 3.64 | 1.81 | 1.84 |
chr6 | 52284066 | 52284129 | - | MCM3 | ENSG00000112118.20 | Intron | hsa-miR-92a-3p | 5.54 | 0.94 | 1.73 | 1.03 |
chr17 | 7576623 | 7576690 | + | EIF4A1 | ENSG00000161960.16 | CDS | hsa-miR-361-5p | 11.35 | 2.94 | 1.67 | 1.38 |
chr4 | 77048248 | 77048362 | - | CCNI | ENSG00000118816.11 | CDS | hsa-miR-148a-3p | 16.97 | 4.95 | 1.66 | 1.88 |
chr6 | 44249710 | 44249798 | + | HSP90AB1 | ENSG00000096384.20 | CDS | hsa-miR-218-5p | 8.63 | 2.9 | 1.51 | 1.05 |
chr6 | 142203990 | 142204074 | + | VTA1 | ENSG00000009844.16 | CDS | hsa-miR-93-5p | 19.45 | 6.5 | 1.47 | 1.77 |
chr6 | 26156487 | 26156547 | + | H1-4 | ENSG00000168298.7 | CDS | hsa-miR-423-3p | 15.61 | 5.94 | 1.37 | 1.4 |
chr16 | 46661746 | 46661835 | - | VPS35 | ENSG00000069329.18 | CDS | hsa-miR-320a-3p | 13.86 | 5.92 | 1.24 | 1.14 |
chr6 | 159785382 | 159785457 | - | TCP1 | ENSG00000120438.12 | CDS | hsa-miR-103a-3p | 11.98 | 4.97 | 1.24 | 1.06 |
chr4 | 82857033 | 82857110 | - | SEC31A | ENSG00000138674.17 | CDS | hsa-miR-30c-5p | 11.87 | 4.96 | 1.23 | 1.05 |
chr17 | 75779116 | 75779183 | - | H3-3B | ENSG00000132475.10 | CDS | hsa-miR-423-3p | 12.97 | 5.44 | 1.22 | 1.1 |
chr22 | 29813456 | 29813542 | - | ASCC2 | ENSG00000100325.15 | CDS | hsa-miR-17-5p | 17.0 | 7.43 | 1.2 | 1.29 |
chr7 | 158632014 | 158632036 | - | NCAPG2 | ENSG00000146918.20 | Intron | hsa-miR-92a-3p | 16.5 | 7.2 | 1.16 | 1.22 |
chr2 | 43894714 | 43894791 | - | LRPPRC | ENSG00000138095.19 | Intron | hsa-miR-92a-3p | 12.28 | 5.28 | 1.15 | 1.0 |
chr1 | 11054686 | 11054760 | - | SRM | ENSG00000116649.10 | 3' UTR | hsa-miR-103a-3p | 26.49 | 12.99 | 1.15 | 1.32 |
chr17 | 1464924 | 1464991 | - | MYO1C | ENSG00000197879.17 | 3' UTR | hsa-miR-92a-3p | 20.43 | 10.41 | 1.07 | 1.16 |
chr15 | 66502629 | 66502695 | - | RPL4 | ENSG00000174444.15 | CDS | hsa-miR-652-3p | 17.41 | 8.49 | 1.07 | 1.06 |
chr22 | 23765980 | 23766016 | - | CHCHD10 | ENSG00000250479.9 | CDS | hsa-miR-181a-5p | 25.79 | 13.4 | 1.02 | 1.22 |
chr17 | 1679022 | 1679097 | - | PRPF8 | ENSG00000174231.17 | CDS | hsa-miR-17-5p | 18.87 | 9.68 | 1.02 | 1.06 |
chr1 | 11908179 | 11908258 | + | RNU5E-1|AL021155.4 | ENSG00000285646.2||ENSG00000199347.1 | Other | hsa-miR-484 | 18.76 | 45.27 | -1.05 | 1.7 |
chr14 | 31700645 | 31700811 | + | NUBPL | ENSG00000151413.17 | Intron | hsa-miR-20a-5p | 9.76 | 25.58 | -1.06 | 1.12 |
chr3 | 73057605 | 73057688 | + | PPP4R2 | ENSG00000163605.15 | Intron | hsa-miR-106b-5p | 6.5 | 18.86 | -1.09 | 1.11 |
chr7 | 92235573 | 92235649 | - | AC000120.4|KRIT1 | ENSG00000285953.1||ENSG00000001631.16 | CDS | hsa-miR-20a-5p | 4.56 | 15.19 | -1.21 | 1.1 |
chr6 | 26055818 | 26055902 | - | H1-2 | ENSG00000187837.4 | CDS | hsa-miR-15a-5p | 4.42 | 13.03 | -1.27 | 1.06 |
chr2 | 169947523 | 169947601 | + | UBR3 | ENSG00000144357.17 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 16.35 | 46.17 | -1.3 | 2.33 |
chr12 | 113904494 | 113904573 | - | RBM19 | ENSG00000122965.11 | Intron | hsa-miR-18a-5p | 5.97 | 20.11 | -1.35 | 1.5 |
chr10 | 51675929 | 51676020 | + | PRKG1 | ENSG00000185532.20 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 3.48 | 12.93 | -1.36 | 1.07 |
chr7 | 158632014 | 158632036 | - | NCAPG2 | ENSG00000146918.20 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 9.66 | 32.27 | -1.38 | 1.88 |
chr5 | 98855291 | 98855361 | - | CHD1 | ENSG00000153922.11 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 2.89 | 11.75 | -1.41 | 1.08 |
chr6 | 42211309 | 42211386 | - | MRPS10 | ENSG00000048544.6 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 4.5 | 18.44 | -1.47 | 1.5 |
chr4 | 30721827 | 30721851 | + | PCDH7 | ENSG00000169851.15 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 1.5 | 9.0 | -1.48 | 1.01 |
chr3 | 40813836 | 40813854 | + | AC099560.1 | ENSG00000231873.2 | Other | APP-01_05 | 2.42 | 10.88 | -1.5 | 1.08 |
chr13 | 79386480 | 79386552 | - | RBM26 | ENSG00000139746.16 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 2.98 | 12.61 | -1.52 | 1.21 |
chr20 | 62388452 | 62388518 | + | RPS21 | ENSG00000171858.18 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 8.1 | 31.74 | -1.64 | 2.3 |
chr11 | 61302639 | 61302714 | - | DDB1 | ENSG00000167986.14 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 7.95 | 32.47 | -1.65 | 2.2 |
chr22 | 20492523 | 20492606 | - | KLHL22 | ENSG00000099910.17 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 8.46 | 32.17 | -1.66 | 2.37 |
chr7 | 2188247 | 2188269 | - | MAD1L1 | ENSG00000002822.15 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 1.0 | 9.0 | -1.67 | 1.11 |
chr4 | 87341045 | 87341140 | - | HSD17B11 | ENSG00000198189.11 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 7.79 | -1.67 | 1.01 |
chr12 | 131932818 | 131932870 | + | PUS1 | ENSG00000177192.14 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 7.15 | -1.69 | 1.02 |
chr12 | 20551420 | 20551466 | + | PDE3A | ENSG00000172572.7 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 1.62 | 8.66 | -1.69 | 1.11 |
chr2 | 77529662 | 77529787 | - | LRRTM4 | ENSG00000176204.13 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 7.06 | -1.72 | 1.03 |
chr4 | 13602081 | 13602184 | - | BOD1L1 | ENSG00000038219.13 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 1.37 | 8.24 | -1.76 | 1.1 |
chr6 | 169703564 | 169703671 | + | C6orf120 | ENSG00000185127.6 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 23.5 | 92.42 | -1.76 | 6.06 |
chr3 | 197169143 | 197169215 | - | DLG1 | ENSG00000075711.21 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 8.38 | -1.8 | 1.13 |
chr10 | 84518184 | 84518250 | + | CCSER2 | ENSG00000107771.17 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 6.78 | -1.81 | 1.01 |
chr7 | 67173277 | 67173354 | + | TYW1 | ENSG00000198874.13 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 1.48 | 10.32 | -1.81 | 1.28 |
chr22 | 40285629 | 40285696 | + | TNRC6B | ENSG00000100354.21 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.49 | 6.5 | -1.83 | 1.05 |
chr2 | 63684526 | 63684577 | - | WDPCP | ENSG00000143951.16 | Other | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 6.0 | -1.84 | 1.06 |
chr6 | 15308259 | 15308331 | + | JARID2 | ENSG00000008083.14 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 6.33 | -1.84 | 1.06 |
chr7 | 135560525 | 135560595 | + | NUP205 | ENSG00000155561.15 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 6.92 | -1.84 | 1.06 |
chr7 | 70234067 | 70234139 | + | AUTS2 | ENSG00000158321.18 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 1.0 | 10.76 | -1.85 | 1.36 |
chr10 | 110728715 | 110728810 | + | RBM20 | ENSG00000203867.8 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.45 | 6.43 | -1.86 | 1.07 |
chr15 | 42414447 | 42414512 | - | ZNF106 | ENSG00000103994.17 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 6.84 | -1.86 | 1.07 |
chr7 | 129302391 | 129302467 | + | AHCYL2 | ENSG00000158467.16 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 6.7 | -1.86 | 1.07 |
chr7 | 155308877 | 155308911 | + | INSIG1 | ENSG00000186480.13 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.27 | 6.17 | -1.86 | 1.07 |
chr4 | 173333617 | 173333683 | - | HMGB2 | ENSG00000164104.12 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 7.45 | -1.88 | 1.06 |
chr4 | 30721828 | 30721851 | - | AC098595.1 | ENSG00000286596.1 | Other | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 8.5 | -1.89 | 1.25 |
chr1 | 220058635 | 220058704 | - | BPNT1 | ENSG00000162813.18 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.46 | 6.94 | -1.89 | 1.09 |
chr3 | 47054612 | 47054687 | - | SETD2 | ENSG00000181555.21 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 8.51 | -1.9 | 1.27 |
chr11 | 73404460 | 73404523 | - | FAM168A | ENSG00000054965.10 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 7.47 | -1.9 | 1.11 |
chr2 | 134956983 | 134957045 | + | CCNT2 | ENSG00000082258.13 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.45 | 7.45 | -1.9 | 1.11 |
chr15 | 85548323 | 85548402 | + | AKAP13 | ENSG00000170776.22 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 6.6 | -1.91 | 1.13 |
chr16 | 24569310 | 24569388 | + | RBBP6 | ENSG00000122257.20 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 1.0 | 11.12 | -1.92 | 1.46 |
chr11 | 95804506 | 95804581 | + | CEP57 | ENSG00000166037.11 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 7.26 | -1.93 | 1.14 |
chr9 | 32862444 | 32862516 | - | AL157884.3 | ENSG00000236796.1 | Other | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 7.31 | -1.94 | 1.15 |
chr18 | 39387882 | 39387961 | - | MIR924HG | ENSG00000267374.2 | Other | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 8.73 | -1.95 | 1.3 |
chr4 | 151297336 | 151297406 | - | SH3D19 | ENSG00000109686.18 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 6.87 | -1.95 | 1.16 |
chr13 | 45982050 | 45982120 | - | ZC3H13 | ENSG00000123200.16 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 7.17 | -1.96 | 1.16 |
chr11 | 86042503 | 86042550 | - | PICALM | ENSG00000073921.18 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 9.83 | -1.97 | 1.36 |
chr11 | 117032618 | 117032706 | - | SIK3 | ENSG00000160584.16 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 7.41 | -1.98 | 1.19 |
chr19 | 2835663 | 2835731 | + | ZNF554 | ENSG00000172006.12 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 7.74 | -1.98 | 1.19 |
chr4 | 90193864 | 90193981 | + | CCSER1 | ENSG00000184305.15 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.49 | 7.89 | -1.98 | 1.19 |
chr13 | 113626987 | 113627066 | + | TFDP1 | ENSG00000198176.13 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 7.34 | -1.99 | 1.21 |
chr17 | 7320755 | 7320819 | - | NEURL4 | ENSG00000215041.10 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.48 | 7.97 | -2.0 | 1.23 |
chr17 | 15663327 | 15663395 | - | TRIM16 | ENSG00000221926.13 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 7.94 | -2.0 | 1.23 |
chr2 | 66569362 | 66569448 | + | MEIS1 | ENSG00000143995.20 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 7.43 | -2.0 | 1.23 |
chr22 | 44850703 | 44850790 | + | PRR5-ARHGAP8|ARHGAP8 | ENSG00000241484.9||ENSG00000248405.10 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 7.0 | -2.0 | 1.23 |
chr1 | 50921058 | 50921149 | - | FAF1 | ENSG00000185104.20 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 7.8 | -2.02 | 1.24 |
chr4 | 487291 | 487356 | - | ZNF721 | ENSG00000182903.16 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 7.72 | -2.02 | 1.24 |
chr1 | 26790604 | 26790687 | + | PIGV | ENSG00000060642.11 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 9.81 | -2.02 | 1.43 |
chr2 | 32736746 | 32736818 | + | TTC27 | ENSG00000018699.13 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 1.5 | 14.75 | -2.03 | 1.87 |
chr3 | 13405837 | 13405961 | - | NUP210 | ENSG00000132182.12 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 10.45 | -2.03 | 1.43 |
chr2 | 135534654 | 135534710 | + | R3HDM1 | ENSG00000048991.16 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 7.42 | -2.05 | 1.24 |
chr11 | 69064752 | 69064819 | + | TPCN2 | ENSG00000162341.18 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 10.48 | -2.06 | 1.47 |
chr1 | 77801153 | 77801213 | + | MIGA1 | ENSG00000180488.15 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.74 | 8.14 | -2.07 | 1.29 |
chr10 | 125098311 | 125098396 | - | CTBP2 | ENSG00000175029.17 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 1.0 | 12.55 | -2.07 | 1.72 |
chr13 | 50097163 | 50097230 | + | DLEU1 | ENSG00000176124.15 | Other | APP-01_05 | 0.89 | 10.31 | -2.08 | 1.46 |
chr22 | 41621988 | 41622064 | + | XRCC6 | ENSG00000196419.13 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 7.99 | -2.08 | 1.31 |
chr2 | 99355364 | 99355430 | + | EIF5B | ENSG00000158417.11 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 8.48 | -2.09 | 1.32 |
chr16 | 30429940 | 30430009 | - | DCTPP1 | ENSG00000179958.9 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 8.37 | -2.1 | 1.33 |
chr1 | 108787482 | 108787557 | + | STXBP3 | ENSG00000116266.11 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 1.5 | 15.91 | -2.12 | 2.05 |
chr17 | 40302825 | 40302907 | + | CDC6 | ENSG00000094804.12 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 8.02 | -2.12 | 1.33 |
chr3 | 61597627 | 61597708 | + | PTPRG | ENSG00000144724.20 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 8.11 | -2.12 | 1.33 |
chr3 | 183920043 | 183920104 | - | ABCC5 | ENSG00000114770.17 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.93 | 8.27 | -2.13 | 1.32 |
chr13 | 48391244 | 48391311 | + | RB1 | ENSG00000139687.16 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 8.94 | -2.13 | 1.36 |
chr6 | 127312676 | 127312702 | - | ECHDC1 | ENSG00000093144.19 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 8.22 | -2.16 | 1.4 |
chr11 | 14296303 | 14296380 | - | RRAS2 | ENSG00000133818.14 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 8.76 | -2.17 | 1.41 |
chr10 | 119852301 | 119852376 | - | MCMBP | ENSG00000197771.13 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.98 | 8.27 | -2.19 | 1.42 |
chr1 | 234606604 | 234606728 | - | IRF2BP2 | ENSG00000168264.10 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 4.02 | 26.97 | -2.21 | 3.1 |
chr1 | 43958962 | 43959031 | + | IPO13 | ENSG00000117408.11 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.87 | 11.71 | -2.22 | 1.73 |
chrX | 140766068 | 140766138 | + | LINC00632 | ENSG00000203930.12 | Other | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 9.04 | -2.22 | 1.48 |
chr5 | 131643457 | 131643554 | - | FNIP1 | ENSG00000217128.12 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.82 | 11.77 | -2.23 | 1.74 |
chr17 | 30816903 | 30816988 | - | CRLF3 | ENSG00000176390.12 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 1.46 | 14.31 | -2.25 | 2.07 |
chr5 | 78216078 | 78216175 | - | AP3B1 | ENSG00000132842.14 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 12.3 | -2.28 | 1.82 |
chr7 | 105272098 | 105272169 | - | SRPK2 | ENSG00000135250.17 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 12.44 | -2.29 | 1.83 |
chr21 | 25891790 | 25891803 | - | APP | ENSG00000142192.21 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.6 | 9.25 | -2.3 | 1.58 |
chr14 | 30568041 | 30568134 | + | G2E3 | ENSG00000092140.16 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 9.1 | -2.3 | 1.47 |
chr5 | 137946035 | 137946101 | - | FAM13B | ENSG00000031003.10 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 1.5 | 18.27 | -2.3 | 2.48 |
chrX | 47176562 | 47176644 | + | RBM10 | ENSG00000182872.16 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 12.81 | -2.3 | 1.85 |
chr10 | 5807565 | 5807642 | - | GDI2 | ENSG00000057608.17 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 9.82 | -2.3 | 1.59 |
chr17 | 29573481 | 29573557 | - | GIT1 | ENSG00000108262.16 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 13.32 | -2.37 | 1.99 |
chr1 | 99923925 | 99924013 | + | AGL | ENSG00000162688.17 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 1.99 | 19.41 | -2.38 | 2.69 |
chr3 | 49683428 | 49683498 | + | APEH | ENSG00000164062.13 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 13.76 | -2.41 | 2.03 |
chr10 | 110931339 | 110931426 | + | SHOC2 | ENSG00000108061.12 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 10.89 | -2.41 | 1.74 |
chr2 | 233291851 | 233291896 | + | ATG16L1 | ENSG00000085978.22 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.79 | 13.52 | -2.42 | 2.08 |
chr3 | 72431466 | 72431541 | - | RYBP | ENSG00000163602.10 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 1.0 | 16.85 | -2.42 | 2.44 |
chr4 | 102796087 | 102796168 | - | UBE2D3 | ENSG00000109332.20 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 1.5 | 19.09 | -2.42 | 2.71 |
chr1 | 21172327 | 21172412 | - | EIF4G3 | ENSG00000075151.20 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 13.85 | -2.43 | 2.09 |
chr17 | 16441873 | 16441957 | + | SNHG29 | ENSG00000175061.18 | Other | APP-01_05 | 0.42 | 10.76 | -2.43 | 1.7 |
chr17 | 7402779 | 7402850 | - | TMEM256-PLSCR3 | ENSG00000262481.5 | Other | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 10.43 | -2.44 | 1.78 |
chr6 | 118059325 | 118059400 | + | SLC35F1 | ENSG00000196376.11 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 10.94 | -2.46 | 1.77 |
chr2 | 64016144 | 64016205 | - | VPS54 | ENSG00000143952.20 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 1.5 | 20.25 | -2.46 | 2.91 |
chr15 | 92949266 | 92949360 | + | CHD2 | ENSG00000173575.22 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 11.95 | 81.13 | -2.46 | 8.02 |
chr6 | 156809793 | 156809934 | + | ARID1B | ENSG00000049618.24 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 2.5 | 26.72 | -2.47 | 3.45 |
chr6 | 72721971 | 72722035 | + | KCNQ5 | ENSG00000185760.16 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 14.28 | -2.48 | 2.19 |
chr11 | 74998163 | 74998218 | + | NEU3 | ENSG00000162139.10 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 10.61 | -2.49 | 1.86 |
chr17 | 75778002 | 75778075 | - | H3-3B | ENSG00000132475.10 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 2.25 | 23.98 | -2.54 | 3.34 |
chr3 | 154279788 | 154279855 | - | DHX36 | ENSG00000174953.14 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 2.0 | 25.23 | -2.56 | 3.48 |
chr8 | 17567600 | 17567700 | + | SLC7A2 | ENSG00000003989.18 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 1.91 | 21.55 | -2.57 | 3.12 |
chr2 | 96299015 | 96299109 | - | SNRNP200 | ENSG00000144028.15 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.47 | 12.26 | -2.6 | 2.04 |
chr15 | 36941385 | 36941508 | - | MEIS2 | ENSG00000134138.20 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.48 | 12.09 | -2.62 | 2.05 |
chr10 | 100540631 | 100540718 | + | HIF1AN | ENSG00000166135.14 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 5.98 | 50.61 | -2.62 | 5.68 |
chr14 | 102681766 | 102681850 | + | RCOR1 | ENSG00000089902.10 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 12.83 | -2.65 | 2.12 |
chr4 | 186620235 | 186620328 | - | FAT1 | ENSG00000083857.14 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 12.96 | -2.66 | 2.11 |
chr8 | 43174398 | 43174466 | + | HGSNAT | ENSG00000165102.15 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 1.94 | 22.98 | -2.67 | 3.42 |
chr19 | 10172041 | 10172134 | - | DNMT1 | ENSG00000130816.16 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.45 | 13.19 | -2.68 | 2.19 |
chr7 | 87163330 | 87163453 | + | DMTF1 | ENSG00000135164.19 | 5' UTR | APP-01_05 | 2.49 | 27.29 | -2.7 | 3.84 |
chr17 | 31852104 | 31852107 | - | COPRS | ENSG00000172301.11 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.32 | 13.45 | -2.75 | 2.32 |
chrX | 45749310 | 45749386 | - | MIR222HG | ENSG00000270069.1 | Other | APP-01_05 | 2.48 | 28.86 | -2.75 | 3.96 |
chr10 | 74874262 | 74874332 | + | KAT6B | ENSG00000156650.14 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 17.58 | -2.79 | 2.86 |
chr11 | 18082067 | 18082158 | - | SAAL1 | ENSG00000166788.10 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 18.2 | -2.8 | 2.94 |
chr4 | 20620247 | 20620268 | + | SLIT2 | ENSG00000145147.20 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 1.61 | 21.75 | -2.82 | 3.48 |
chr1 | 44776543 | 44776551 | + | SNORD46 | ENSG00000200913.1 | Other | APP-01_05 | 0.16 | 14.82 | -2.87 | 2.54 |
chr14 | 35604878 | 35604959 | - | RALGAPA1 | ENSG00000174373.16 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 1.5 | 28.94 | -2.91 | 4.07 |
chr8 | 94789749 | 94789843 | + | DPY19L4 | ENSG00000156162.16 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 5.97 | 58.8 | -2.95 | 7.09 |
chr7 | 99559613 | 99559701 | + | ZNF655 | ENSG00000197343.11 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.49 | 16.23 | -2.95 | 2.72 |
chr10 | 100536595 | 100536668 | + | HIF1AN | ENSG00000166135.14 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 20.85 | -2.96 | 3.31 |
chr1 | 22095724 | 22095810 | + | CDC42 | ENSG00000070831.17 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 16.32 | -2.96 | 2.74 |
chr1 | 178157015 | 178157115 | + | RASAL2 | ENSG00000075391.17 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 16.51 | -3.02 | 2.87 |
chr1 | 70354247 | 70354301 | - | ANKRD13C | ENSG00000118454.13 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 1.0 | 26.03 | -3.02 | 3.93 |
chrX | 73827255 | 73827339 | - | XIST | ENSG00000229807.12 | Other | APP-01_05 | 23.7 | 227.11 | -3.02 | 24.66 |
chr4 | 20620207 | 20620247 | + | SLIT2 | ENSG00000145147.20 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 4.49 | 54.83 | -3.08 | 6.95 |
chr11 | 931071 | 931139 | + | AP2A2 | ENSG00000183020.14 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 17.49 | -3.08 | 3.03 |
chr21 | 25891803 | 25891859 | - | APP | ENSG00000142192.21 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.78 | 17.34 | -3.08 | 3.03 |
chr9 | 124857885 | 124857983 | - | RPL35 | ENSG00000136942.15 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 6.87 | 75.64 | -3.1 | 9.38 |
chr21 | 46289883 | 46290035 | + | YBEY | ENSG00000182362.14 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.48 | 18.38 | -3.12 | 3.12 |
chrX | 78118198 | 78118286 | + | PGK1 | ENSG00000102144.15 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 1.0 | 27.72 | -3.12 | 4.28 |
chr7 | 155301614 | 155301687 | + | INSIG1 | ENSG00000186480.13 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 23.67 | -3.16 | 3.92 |
chr19 | 2271464 | 2271528 | + | OAZ1 | ENSG00000104904.12 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 18.98 | -3.17 | 3.2 |
chr2 | 151420181 | 151420283 | + | RIF1 | ENSG00000080345.18 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 2.47 | 38.45 | -3.18 | 5.29 |
chr21 | 15734170 | 15734245 | + | USP25 | ENSG00000155313.15 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 18.83 | -3.19 | 3.23 |
chr12 | 76046708 | 76046799 | - | NAP1L1 | ENSG00000187109.15 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 24.16 | -3.19 | 4.0 |
chr2 | 96186476 | 96186551 | - | STARD7 | ENSG00000084090.13 | 3' UTR | APP-01_05 | 0.58 | 27.02 | -3.34 | 4.38 |
chr10 | 28589423 | 28589493 | + | WAC | ENSG00000095787.23 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 27.29 | -3.35 | 4.41 |
chr16 | 78223832 | 78223919 | + | WWOX | ENSG00000186153.17 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 22.97 | -3.48 | 4.0 |
chr2 | 208288850 | 208288949 | + | PIKFYVE | ENSG00000115020.17 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 1.99 | 44.33 | -3.55 | 6.29 |
chr1 | 44776489 | 44776499 | + | SNORD46 | ENSG00000200913.1 | Other | APP-01_05 | 0.27 | 24.67 | -3.55 | 4.25 |
chr3 | 23338118 | 23338209 | + | UBE2E2 | ENSG00000182247.10 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 25.76 | -3.58 | 4.35 |
chr10 | 94565769 | 94565841 | + | HELLS | ENSG00000119969.15 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 2.5 | 60.19 | -3.62 | 8.33 |
chr11 | 2394089 | 2394172 | + | CD81 | ENSG00000110651.12 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.0 | 27.24 | -3.65 | 4.5 |
chr7 | 157388947 | 157389033 | + | DNAJB6 | ENSG00000105993.15 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 1.0 | 41.29 | -3.69 | 6.07 |
chr11 | 65502085 | 65502153 | + | MALAT1 | ENSG00000251562.8 | Other | APP-01_05 | 0.34 | 31.27 | -3.85 | 4.98 |
chr2 | 85542315 | 85542417 | + | MAT2A | ENSG00000168906.13 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 6.48 | 131.22 | -3.89 | 17.52 |
chr7 | 152148059 | 152148159 | - | KMT2C | ENSG00000055609.19 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 53.93 | -4.27 | 7.37 |
chr1 | 236816447 | 236816526 | + | MTR | ENSG00000116984.14 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.5 | 56.17 | -4.35 | 7.8 |
chr5 | 37198680 | 37198770 | - | CPLANE1 | ENSG00000197603.15 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.97 | 57.39 | -4.38 | 8.04 |
chr6 | 127312561 | 127312666 | - | ECHDC1 | ENSG00000093144.19 | Intron | APP-01_05 | 5.5 | 178.23 | -4.44 | 22.44 |
chr3 | 45394467 | 45394520 | + | LARS2 | ENSG00000011376.12 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.17 | 56.15 | -4.69 | 7.78 |
chr1 | 44776503 | 44776543 | + | SNORD46 | ENSG00000200913.1 | Other | APP-01_05 | 1.02 | 92.29 | -4.78 | 11.75 |
chr3 | 45394520 | 45394565 | + | LARS2 | ENSG00000011376.12 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 0.34 | 62.31 | -4.84 | 8.43 |
chr17 | 31852107 | 31852177 | - | COPRS | ENSG00000172301.11 | CDS | APP-01_05 | 2.74 | 126.31 | -4.85 | 16.0 |
chr19 | 22694813 | 22694861 | - | AC024563.1 | ENSG00000268981.5 | Other | APP-01_05 | 97.2 | 3781.51 | -5.1 | 241.14 |
This following files are provided along with this analysis:
File | Description |
fastq.gz | Gzipped raw sequencing reads in FASTQ format. |
ago2.bam | BAM file containing unique AGO2 eCLIP sequence alignments to the genome. Reads aligned to repetitive elements were filtered out and PCR duplicates were removed. | | Bigwig file containing RPM normalized AGO2 eCLIP reads aligned to the + strand. | | Bigwig file containing RPM normalized AGO2 eCLIP reads aligned to the - strand. |
ago2_clusters.bed | Input normalized file of AGO2 eCLIP clusters, with tab-separated columns as follows: Chromosome, Start position, Stop position, -log10(P-value), Log2 fold enrichment in eCLIP vs. input, Strand (+ or -). |
ago2_idr_peaks.bed | This file is only included if the experiment contained 2 or 3 replicate samples. AGO2 eCLIP peaks found to be reproducible and significant in all replicates with the same format as above. |
mir_targets.bam | Bam file containing unique miRNA target sequence alignments to the genome, after the miRNA portion of the reads has been trimmed. Nonchimeric reads were filtered out and PCR duplicates were removed. | | Bigwig file containing RPM normalized miRNA target reads aligned to the + strand. | | Bigwig file containing RPM normalized miRNA target reads aligned to the - strand. |
mir_targets_clusters.bed | Locations of miRNA target read clusters called using the CLIPper algorithm with the following tab-separated columns: Chromosome, Start position, Stop position, miRNA, RPM coverage of miRNA target reads, Strand. |
mir_targets_reproducible_clusters.bed | This file is only included if the experiment contained replicate samples. miRNA target clusters found to be reproducible and significant in all replicates with the same format as above. |
report.html | HTML report containing plots, enriched GO terms and KEGG pathways, HOMER motif analysis, and repetitive element mapping information for enriched peaks. |